Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Murder Trial Of Casey Anthony - 1330 Words
From Avengers to Prosecutors: Ending Barbaric Justice. Every generation has felt, at one point or another, uneasy about the efficacy of their justice system. One need not look further than a few months ago with the controversial murder trial of Casey Anthony. People were enraged by the jury’s decision to let her go. Up until today, many people are convinced that there existed enough evidence for convicting her of first-degree murder of her daughter. Can we say that today’s justice system is ineffective in administering punishment? Should people take matters in their own hands if they do not agree on the court’s decision? Well, two thousand years ago, things were different. People took matters in their own hands. There was no judge, jury, prosecutor or defendant in Ancient Greece. Individuals acted as executioners based on their own predilections on how justice should be administrated and on whom. In the Oresteia, Aeschylus praises the substitution of such blood v engeance system with trial by jury, which according to him was a more civilized and equitable system. In that matter, I must agree with Aeschylus and argue that jury by trial is a far more civilized and equitable system than the old blood vengeance system. First, let us agree on the problems of the blood vengeance system. The most noticeable of the problems that arises from such system is the endless cycle of killing. We must note that the cycle did not start with Agamemnon and Cassandra’s murder; it is far moreShow MoreRelatedCasey Anthony Trial Essay1594 Words  | 7 PagesThe Casey Anthony Trial One of the most controversial and polemic trials of all times since the OJ Simpson trial was the case of Casey Anthony and the murder of her two year old daughter. 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Caylee’s mother, Casey Anthony, became the main suspect after the child supposedly was kidnapped and went missing. To this day, the Casey Anthony case shocks me because justice, in my opinion, wasn’t served. I feel as if the criminal conviction system became somewhat corrupted in this case. The entire nation, including the court system, knew that Casey Anthony was behind this criminalRead MoreThe Burden Of Proof Is The Duty Of A Party1659 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The burden of proof is the duty of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will shift the conclusion away from the default position, to that party s own position. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of the doubt, while the other side bears the burden of proof. When a party bearing the burden of proof meets their burden, the burden of proof switches to the other side. 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