Friday, August 28, 2020
Kayla Sasser Essays - Hirundinidae, Songbirds, Swallow,
Kayla Sasser Educator Belt ENGL 101 September 22, 2017 Profile Essay The Eighth Wonder of the World: Cliff Swallows There are such a significant number of concealed miracles of this world. I got the chance to encounter one of those miracles in the practically out of date town of Fishtail, Montana (populace: 478). Bluff Swallows is a riverfront and angling access around 60 miles from any significant expressway. It is concealed path back in the mountains, and one would just unearth it by some coincidence. Any adventurist would tell say that the best undertakings are those that are not arranged. What's more, this is exactly how one would discover Cliff Swallows; totally unintentionally. It is one of those spots that can blow your mind. There is a colloquialism that excellence is found in the little places that get ignored. Cliff Swallows could be viewed as one of those areas. Only a couple of the viewpoints that make Cliff Swallows so uncommon are the unadulterated magnificence of nature, how secluded it is, and its capacity to cause its guests to lose all sense of direction as far as they could tell . The primary angle that makes Cliff Swallows so noteworthy is the view. As we made the drive to the stream, I was unable to shield from gazing out the window. Directly nearby the street were precipices as tall as high rises. As I pushed my cheek as near the window as I could and looked into, the highest points of the pinnacles were still far out it and appeared as though they went so high, they could contact the mists. As we pulled up to the riverfront, I was somewhat befuddled. It didn't seem as though anything extraordinary. The alleged parking area was only a fix of congested grass and rock that had been set down. There was a little improvised pathway which was exactly where past guests had stomped on through the tall stalks to get to the water. At the point when we got to the waterfront, that was the place everything sprung up. I needed to simply stay there for a couple of moments to take it all in. Everything was simply so serene. Upstream, the surging water of the Yellowstone wo uld crash over the stones before it subsided into the momentum. There, the stream undulated as it streamed, with its lone unsettling influence being a fish hopping and breaking the strong glass top of the water. Its unadulterated excellence is so unfathomable it could make somebody wonder How could this spot be so covered up? The second component that makes Cliff Swallows so vital is its finished partition from the bustling city life. My grandparents live in an unassuming community called Columbus, Montana. It is around a short ways from Billings, the biggest city close to them. Fishtail is about an additional 30 minutes off the interstate from Columbus. As we kept on driving farther, I really wanted to consider all the undertakings and sights individuals pass up from remaining in their little nearby air pockets. It astounds me how a few people can gaze at four white dividers the entire day and not wonder what else is out there, yet to be investigated. The most recent 20 minutes of the drive to the riverfront comprises of soil and rock streets canopied by trees. Be that as it may, when the vault of trees breaks, the main sight toward each path are mountains and fields involved by groups of elk. What's more, the nightfall and mists painted the sky with pinks and purples. At the point when we at long last a rrived at the bluffs, the main thing you could hear was the water and stirring of the breeze through the trees. Not a solitary structure or vehicle in sight. It is stunning to have the option to unplug from the world some of the time and experience the world as it was initially made. It is anything but difficult to lose one's self when the main thing that remaining parts in their heart is a longing to encounter the world as it was intended to be. The last perspective that unites the entire spot is the way it can enable somebody to lose themselves. Bluff Swallows is an incredible spot just to proceed to unwind and encounter nature. Be that as it may, it was still legitimately given the name Cliff Swallows which is as it should be. On the furthest side of the waterway, there is a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel, and The House of Bernarda Alba, by Federico Garcia Lorca Essay Example
Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel, and The House of Bernarda Alba, by Federico Garcia Lorca Essay Example Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel, and The House of Bernarda Alba, by Federico Garcia Lorca Paper Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel, and The House of Bernarda Alba, by Federico Garcia Lorca Paper Adela thinks Pepe, her solitary ways to get out, is obliterated. Subsequently, she submits a definitive demonstration of self-estrangement self destruction, for without Pepe she can no longer accomplish her fantasies and wants. Foes in Like Water for Chocolate likewise estrange Morning Lights astuteness by non-literal and strict obstructions. Morning Lights Indian blood disallows her from getting a charge out of uniformity in Johns Yankee family. Accordingly, she and her intelligence are restricted in this room at the rear of the house which Johns granddad has fabricated (pg. 100). The dividers of this room at the rear of the house (pg. 100) strengthen the possibility of enthusiastic estrangement of Morning Light from the others. These dividers are an implication to social hindrances, for Morning Light is distanced due to cliché discernments that Indians are docile to Yankees. Unexpectedly, the hindrances neglect to sequester the astuteness of Morning Light. She recuperates her dad in-law with her enchantment mending power. Her unpredictable method of singing abnormal tunes, applying relieving herbs, and her wreathing in the smoke of copal and incense she consumed (pg. 102) at long last gets thankfulness; and the knowledge of a local Indian recently disregarded because of bias, is perceived just because. It is likewise intriguing that different earth shattering occasions with regards to Like Water For Chocolate will in general occur in rooms and compartments isolated from the principle body of the house, e. g. the shower, the kitchen, the room where Tita and Pedro perfect their affection and energy. Aside from dividers, entryways are another case of allegorical obstructions that bring out passionate distance of characters in the houses, notwithstanding forcing physical estrangement on the characters. In Like Water For Chocolate, an entryway makes the dull room be free from the primary house. The room, where Tita and Pedro perfect their affection, is dull. This recommends their affection is stealthy. It additionally recommends their adoration is probably going to be smothered by non-literal obstructions forced by the more extensive network. As Pedro slipped quietly into the room behind her and shut the entryway (pg. 144), he accomplishes the private space required for Tita and his joy. The end of the entryway finishes the feeling of walled in area, adequately distancing the energy of the heroes from outcasts. In this case, the distance changes into a positive and attractive one. However, on the off chance that the heroes are gotten they will become social untouchables and endure an alternate sort of deliberate estrangement, and Pedro lacks the boldness to chance it. In direct difference, the impact of the entryways as social and mental hindrances is recommended when Rosaura is restricted in her room. She is distanced from reality and energy of Tita and Pedros issue, for she doesn't can possibly light her own case of matches. She encounters things from a separation; she sees the spooky light from the other room, she is in her room, attempting to take care of her little girl (pg. 44). Unfortunately, the room is a forlorn spot for her, and she isn't especially a decent mother. In House of Bernarda Alba, the entryways and dividers actually square individuals from seeing Adela and Pepes illegal relationship. Unexpectedly, these boundaries don't keep the foes from metaphorically, seeing reality, similarly as entryways can't end the enthusiasm from infiltrating a house that is as far as anyone knows nice. The control of Pepe over Adela is significant to such an extent that there is no genuine opposition. Adela affirms Pepes power over her as she declares that nobody yet Pepe orders me! (pg. 209). Sadly Bernardas perseveres on sustaining the family custom, so that Adelas love for Pepe can't proceed. Adelas self destruction is simply a definitive demonstration distance. Lorca and Esquivel have allegorical obstructions like keys and bolts to underscore the distance of characters from the more extensive network. The steed in the House of Bernarda Alba is a suggestion to the natural wants of the little girls, which are especially communicated by Adela. The creature longs to be untethered, yet is sadly bolted up by Bernarda, the key holder. Like the little girls, the steed endeavors to get away from the bound space that is for this situation, the corral, so as to achieve opportunity. The steeds drive is passed on as he kicks against the mass of the house (pg. 197). The sound is so inescapable and upsetting that Prudencia announces she trembled in her chest (pg. 197). Angustias wedding band is a non-literal boundary just as key to seeing a portion of the plays feelings and implications. Wedding bands are customarily images of responsibility, and speak to the pledge of adoration. The energy inside Angustias holds back to be opened, and the affection for Pepe, represented by the ring, is the way to it. Be that as it may, generally a ring meant tears(pg. 198). This portends Angustias wretchedness and good ways from the satisfaction of a marriage, forced by this non-literal boundary. Metaphorical keys and bolts educate Like Water for Chocolate. Titas enthusiastic feelings, similar to matches, are held inside an allegorical matchbox. Pedros having intercourse to her goes about as the key, which opens and discharges her enthusiasm. The opening of feelings is strong to the point that it makes a brilliance that sparkles a long ways past our typical vision. (pg. 19). A magnificent passage at that point creates the impression that shows us the way that we overlooked when we were conceived and calls us to recuperate our lost awesome inception. (pg. 220). The since quite a while ago wanted love among Tita and Pedro is at long last culminated, as their definitive demonstration of self-estrangement by death permits them to sever all boundaries and imperatives. Esquivel and Lorca have non-literal boundaries, for example, keys, entryways and locks to feature the mental, physical distance, just as the estrangement of the characters. Under preservationist family customs, wants and dreams of heroes like Adela and Tita are hard to accomplish. The real or proposed propagation of customs by female authorities like Bernarda Alba and Mama Elena fuels the concealment. The heroes, Adela and Tita pick demise as a definitive demonstration of self-distance. Nonetheless, the results of their demises are unique. Since the circumstance for Adela has gotten an excessive amount to manage, she withdraws to implosion. Her quest for satisfaction is consequently a terrible disappointment. Interestingly, with death, Tita and Pedro can oppose all limitations and consummate their adoration. Accordingly, their quest for satisfaction is a triumph they do open bolts and enter obstructions.
What is ATM? Essay -- ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode Research Essays
What is ATM? Before the conversation of remote ATM can start, the idea of ATM by and large should be examined. ATM, or by its progressively formal name Asynchronous Transfer Mode, is a fundamental parcel based systems administration framework intended for the synchronous transmissions of voice, video, and information. In the mid 1980s, the significant media transmission organizations concluded that they required another system to deal with the flood of video and information, alongside voice, traffic being sent over their current systems. From this, the idea of ATM was conceived. From an expanding need to deal with information traffic, which is intrinsically parcel based, just as voice traffic, ATM was intended to fill in as a bundle exchanged system. In a parcel exchanged system, all traffic is broken into little pieces, which are simpler to transmit than one huge lump of information. The issue with utilizing this sort of system plan for ATM is that the old phone arrange is circuit-exchanged, or as such makes a physical direct association between the source and goal during the transmission. ATM, hence, is planned with the goal that it can deal with circuit-turned traffic on its parcel exchanged spine. To achieve this, ATM makes virtual circuit associations over the bundle based system between the source and the goal. These virtual circuit associations arrangement a set number of system assets devoted to the association between a particular source and goal, causing it to appear to the old phone organize that a circuit association is set up. This permits an ATM system to ensure the equivalent or more noteworthy nature of administration for voice traffic as the old phone organize does, while simultaneously giving an a lot more noteworthy degree of administration for information and video tra... ... moved to remote IP-based frameworks. This move is for the most part due to IP’s worked in capacity to deal with transmission mistakes in the domain of remote correspondences. Works Cited 1) Ayanoglu, E., K.Y. Eng, M.J. Karol, â€Å"Wireless ATM: Limits, Challenges, and Proposals†, atm-limits-challenges.pdf, 1996. 2) Black, U. â€Å"ATM: Foundation for Broadband Networks†, Prentice Hall, 1995. 3) Peterson, L. also, B. Davie. PC Networks: A Systems Approach. second version, Morgan Kaufman, 2000. 4) Wasi, Atif S., â€Å"Wireless ATM†, ftp.netlab.ohio-stat,edu/bar/es/cis788-95/wireless_atm/index.htm, 1995. 5) â€Å"Wand Overview†,, 1996, 1997, 1998.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Breif Biography of Elbridge Gerry
Breif Biography of Elbridge Gerry Free Online Research Papers Conceived on July 17, 1744 in Marblehead, Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry was the third of twelve kids. He grew up to examination at Harvard to turn into a dealer and graduated in 1762. His dad possessed a boat building business that Elbridge worked at. In 1786 he wedded Ann Thompson, the little girl of a rich New York trader. She was 21 years his lesser. Gerry restricted trade burdens and was chosen for the Massachusetts General Court on an enemy of British battle in May 1772. He was chosen for the Massachusetts Legislature in 1773. In 1774 he was chosen to go to the Provincial Congress. At the Continental Congress he accomplished board of trustees chip away at business and maritime concerns. In 1798 he went to the Constitutional Convention, yet he was against the Federal Constitution. In spite of the fact that he had marked both the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation, Gerry was one of three to decline to sign the Constitution. He spoke to Massachusetts in the initial two Congresses as an Anti-Administration up-and-comer, and subsequent to being chosen into Congress, Gerry turned into a solid supporter of the new government and Alexander Hamilton’s writes about open credit. He additionally upheld the Bank of the United States. In 1797 he was an emissary sent to France. After different agents of the emissary returned, Elbridge remained in France, so he was blamed for supporting the French. He filled in as legislative leader of Massachusetts in 1780 and 1781. Gerry got a great deal of analysis since he redistricted the state to the upside of his own ideological group. In 1812 he was chosen as Vice President under President Madison. On November 23, 1814, he kicked the bucket in Washington, D.C. Research Papers on Breif Biography of Elbridge GerryQuebec and CanadaAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Assess the significance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeBringing Democracy to AfricaTwilight of the UAWNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use
In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald relies heavily on the weather and the environment to emphasize events and people
People’s sentiments and feelings are frequently changed or influenced by the climate. There are likewise numerous generalizations that accompany the climate. For instance on blustery days individuals regularly feel miserable or on extremely hot days individuals frequently have irritabilities and can lose control without any problem. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald depends vigorously on the climate and the earth to underscore occasions and individuals. This is obviously observed during the times of Gatsby’s get-together with Daisy, Gatsby’s burial service, and the showdown among Gatsby and Tom. One of the more significant occasions that F. Scott Fitzgerald depends on the climate and nature to underline occasions and individuals in The Great Gatsby is the day of Gatsby’s get-together with her. This day is imperative to Gatsby as he has been tallying the days since he last observed Daisy. Gatsby has requested that Nick welcome daisy over to Nick’s place for tea so that Gatsby could come over and be brought together with her. â€Å"The day settled upon was pouring rain†(Fitzgerald 81). While they sit tight For Daisy, Gatsby is uniquely apprehensive. He is apprehensive to such an extent that he reveals to Nick that he will return home since he doesn’t feel that Daisy will appear. The downpour assists with underlining the how anxious and stressed Gatsby is. From the start, when Daisy appears, Gatsby is ungainly and his fingers are even â€Å"trembling†(Fitzgerald 84) yet after Nick disregards him for thirty minutes, he returns to discover Gatsby back to his sure self. At the point when Nick strolls back in the room he illuminates Gatsby, just as the peruser, that â€Å"it’s halted raining†(Fitzgerald 86) and at this news Gatsby grins â€Å"like a delighted benefactor of intermittent light†(Fitzgerald 86). The way that it has quit coming down assists with stressing that Gatsby has recovered his sureness and has his standard self-assurance. Some other time that is critical in The Great Gatsby where F. Scott Fitzgerald depends on the climate and the earth to underline occasions and individuals is upon the arrival of Gatsby’s memorial service. Upon the arrival of the memorial service the downpour makes a miserable state of mind. At the point when Nick goes to New York to see Meyer Wolfshiem and he says he can not go to the memorial service we initially discover that it is coming down out. â€Å"When I left his office the sky turned dim and I returned to West egg in drizzle†(Fitzgerald 163). This sets the mind-set for a tragic, desolate day. Despite the fact that during all of Gatsby’s extremely huge and sweeping gatherings he is encircled by individuals, his memorial service is an incredible inverse with just Nick, Mr. Gatz, Owl-eyes and a couple of Gatsby’s workers going to the memorial service, â€Å"our parade of three vehicles came to the ceremony†(Fitzgerald 165). The climate remains along these lines the entire day and Gatsby’s memorial service winds up being an exceptionally dismal and hopeless occasion. This is not normal for the burial service prior in the book where individuals are commending the life of their companion and recalling all the great occasions they spent together as they pass Nick and Gatsby in â€Å"cheerful carriages†(Fitzgerald 67). F. Scott Fitzgerald again depends on the climate and nature to underscore occasions and individuals in The Great Gatsby upon the arrival of the encounter among Gatsby and Tom. At the point when Tom, Nick Gatsby, Jordan and Daisy all go to New York they choose to get a suite at the Plaza Hotel. It is here on the most sultry day of the mid year that Tom and Gatsby have their huge battle. The â€Å"broiling†(Fitzgerald 109) climate causes everyone’s tempers to be short and assists with building up the contemptuous, furious mind-set of the showdown. At long last, Tom wins the question and everybody, aside from Gatsby, can see that Daisy is going to remain with Tom. The following day, since the peruser comprehends that Daisy will stay with Tom, the climate chills off and it is cold outside â€Å"The night had a sharp effect in the climate and there was a harvest time enhance in the air†(Fitzgerald 146). Similarly as Gatsby won't acknowledge the way that he can not return in time and that Daisy truly did and still loves Tom, in this occasion he will not acknowledge that it is do not summer anymore. At the point when the nursery worker discloses to Gatsby that he needs to deplete the pool to prevent leaves from stopping up the channels, Gatsby reveals to him that he can not do this today and that Gatsby has not swam the entire year and plans to do so today. Gatsby accepts that he can return in time and make it warm, much the same as he accepts ha can return in time and make Daisy love him. In end people’s feelings and emotions are frequently influenced or can be changed by the climate. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald depends vigorously on the climate and nature to stress occasions and individuals. F. Scott Fitzgerald truly utilizes this during the times of Gatsby’s gathering with Daisy, Gatsby’s memorial service, and the encounter among Gatsby and Tom. In the same way as other extraordinary scholars, for example, William Shakespeare, F. Scott Fitzgerald utilizes pitiable deception to assist the peruser with bettering comprehend what's going on, make tension, and put underscore on various occurrences all through the novel.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
How to Make Your Own APUSH Flashcards
Flashcards have been a studying go-to for decades. They are simple to make, simple to use and quite simply, an essential tool to have in your studying arsenal. Making your own flashcards is one of the easiest and most effective ways to study for your APUSH exam. Why make your own APUSH flashcards? Although flashcards have the reputation of being one of the most boring ways to study, there is a reason why they continue to be a preferred method for students: they work! Research shows that writing something down leads to higher levels of memorization. The process of actually making the flashcards helps your brain remember key bits of informationâ€â€and you haven’t even started studying yet! How to make your own APUSH flashcards There are two ways you can make your own APUSH flashcards: by hand or online. If you have time, consider creating both paper and digital flashcards; each method is beneficial in different ways. APUSH flashcards for the physical world Purchase a pack of 35 index cardsâ€â€the perfect material for creating flashcards. They are inexpensive (a set of 100 costs less than $1.25) and incredibly portable. If you find the size too large for your needs, simply cut them in half. Index cards come in while ot multi-color packs. Color-coding your APUSH flashcards can be an additional benefit to your study plan. Making flashcards for the physical world offers several study benefits. The repetition of writing relevant information on each card reinforces the connection between your brain and what you need to remember. This leads to an increase in your informational recall, resulting in potentially less time studying overall. Who wouldn’t want that? Flashcards also offer the potential to skip over certain cards you may already know, therefore creating a stack of cards you need to specifically focus on. It is possible to arrange cards in any fashion you choose; by time period, events or people. Although increasingly rare, there are areas of the world that don’t have digital access. Sometimes having a paper-pencil study option can be a good thing. You can study hands-on flashcards anywhere at anytime. APUSH flashcards for the digital world Create sets of flashcards online using free sites such as Quizlet, StudyBlue or Cram. By designing your own flashcards, each set will contain the exact material you need for APUSH prep. Making flashcards for the digital world also offers benefits. Writing everything by hand takes time. If you already have typed notes from class, transferring them onto online flashcards can be a breeze. Just copy and paste. Easily monitor your learning. Flashcard sites allow you to test yourself on key skills and keep track of your progress. You can clearly see which type of historical content is giving your troubleâ€â€and focus more time on those specific questions. Your online account gives you access to flashcard sets and study games already created by teachers and other students. There is a wealth of information online that you don’t have to create yourself! Keep your studying focused by searching for sets that cater to your specific study needs. How to choose information for your APUSH flashcards Your APUSH flashcards should cover all 9 time periods outlined in the APUSH course description. Find important dates, people, events and ideas within these time periods. This will be the information you use to develop your flashcards. You may also want to look at practice exams, such as this one from AP College Board, to review questions and collect information. How you write the information on your flashcards is up to you. You can choose to write a question and answer, select information about an event or about a specific person. The important thing is that the front side of your flashcard contains a main idea, while the backside shows the information you need to know. Consider utilizing a combination of all of those options for a totally comprehensive study tool. Looking for more APUSH study resources? Visit our high school blogs at Magoosh to discover more fun methods to incorporate into your AP study plans.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Important Tips to Improve Your Article Writing
Important Tips to Improve Your Article WritingWriting an article may be an enjoyable and easy task for some but for others it can be a tiresome and frustrating exercise. The problem with this article is that you may do not know how to start and you may just give up on the process because you feel you cannot write well. In the absence of specific instructions, you may find yourself getting frustrated and end up quitting your article writing job. To make it easier for you to write an article, there are the following tips that may help you in improving your article writing.The first tip to make your article writing easier is to spend some time before you write the article in the first place. You may have the feeling of wanting to get started writing quickly but this is a wrong way of doing things. In order to become the best in your writing, you have to be prepared for the job and ready to learn. For example, you might think of writing an article about having back pains. However, you ha ve to prepare by reading some articles that have been written on the subject.One of the most common ways of making your article writing better is to give the document a thorough outline. This is the way to make sure that your article is structured and that you know what it is all about. An outline will also help you become the best in your writing because you can write the rest of the article right after you have all the information ready. Having a well-structured article is better than having one that has no structure at all.You may find it difficult to write an article on your own but you have to realize that you can train yourself to do it. You may want to do the task on your own but if you don't know how to start and you don't know where to start from, you may get frustrated and stop. The key to help your article writing to become better is to have a plan to help you work through the article. This plan will help you get ready and keep on going.One of the most important tips to i mprove your article writing is to be very careful with your spelling. You have to spend some time getting familiar with the rules of grammar and punctuation. You may want to study and look up the rules of grammar and punctuation on the internet. You may want to practice these skills before you write your article.You may find it harder to write an article on your own but it may be one of the best ways to help you in improving your article writing. You have to make sure that you write a solid outline before you begin writing the article. You may also spend some time writing the rest of the article on your own. However, if you have a plan to write on your own, this is the best way to get yourself prepared.A very important tip to help you in improving your article writing is to have someone else to help you out. You may be tired or have a long deadline and this can be a disincentive to writing an article. The more people who read your article, the better chance you have of writing a qua lity article.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Alcohol Use In Our Culture - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1244 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Teenage Drinking Essay Did you like this example? Alcohol use in our culture is pervasive with effects that reach into many aspects of society and can also be seen within every level of Bronfenbrenners model. In many cases, exposure to alcohol, and the permissive use of it, occurs first in the home or with immediate family in the microsystem. The use within that system, and the prevailing attitudes towards it, can be the first introduction to alcohol and directly influence an individuals present and future behaviors around drinking. The mesosystem and exosystem both have the potential to exert pressure, both as negative and positive reinforcement. Encouragement within social groups (peers) and social norms that accept a certain level of experimentation are major influencing factors faced by most teens and young adults. These external factors can be countered within the systems by teacher interventions, school counselors, and the legal system. Cultural macrosystems have a direct bearing on the subsystems as cultural norms and laws are the standards by which use and/or abuse of alcohol will be judged both in the context of the societal and legal systems. Chronosystems, specifically in cross-cultural settings appear to be shifting. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Alcohol Use In Our Culture" essay for you Create order European nations, traditionally more accepting of alcohol use among adolescents, are experiencing changes in both the cultural norms and legal systems as a result of ongoing studies combined with growing binge drinking trends among teens and young adults. When it comes to adolescent alcohol use, studies and real-world outcomes make it clear permissive parenting is a choice with potentially severe consequences. INQUIRY The decision to let adolescents drink at home can be attributed to any number of factors. Socio-economics, parenting style, cultural norms, and external pressures can all contribute to this decision. In fact, there is valid reasoning associated in some instances when parents assume as the end of high school draws near, parents may even begin to provide alcohol or allow their teen to drink at home, rationalizing that they are teaching their children to drink responsibly and thereby reducing risk of alcohol-related consequences (Livingston et al., 2009; Peele, 2007 as cit ed in Livingston, Jennifer A., Testa, Maria, Hoffman, Joseph H., Windle, Michael, 2010, p. 1105). In studies by U.S. researchers the science on permissive parenting, adolescent drinking, and its ramifications is clear; early permissiveness in the home and undefined parental boundaries on alcohol use lead to a higher level of drinking (binge and heavy consumption) as adolescents move away from home and into early adulthood (Livingston et al,. 2009; Arria et al. 2008). There are of course many factors that ultimately influence a teens decisions to drink, smoke or use drugs, but from a study looking at 2,400 sixth- and seventh-graders in inner-city schools in New York City, lead author Dr. Jennifer A. Epstein, assistant professor of public health in the Division of Prevention and Health Behavior at Weill Cornell Medical College stated the important role parents play, both in monitoring peer groups and behavior and as role models, in reducing the risks the child faces as well as modeling a behavior against which the child can set future goals (Biotech Week). Other studies looking at a variety of populations concur with this finding. In a study conducted in 2010, the goal of thestudy was to test this popular belief (supervised drinking at home) in order to determine whether permitting supervised drinking during high school reduced HED (Heavy Episodic Drinking) among emerging adult women as they transitioned from high school to college (Livingston, et al. 2010, p. 1105). The study had a clear focus on consumption, but to fully appreciate the gravity of the study, one only has to look at the researchers motivation; Nearly 75% of college sexual assaults occur as a result of the woman drinking to the point of unconsciousness or incapacitation and being unable to resist sexual advances (Mohler-Kuo, Dowdall, Koss, Wechsler, 2004; Testa Livingston, 2009, as cited in Livingston et al., 2010, p.1105). As seen in this statistic, alcohol consumption in adolescents and young adult has multi-tiered ramifications. The study focused on 449 female subjects in their senior year of high school and then again in the first year of college. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups, 1) a control group which were not permitted to drink at all, 2) a group allowed to drink only with meals, and 3) a group allowed to drink with friends at home. Researchers concluded that in both categories 2 and 3, there was a correlation between heavier drinking in college and the permissive attitude towards alcohol at home when compared to group 1. The heaviest alcohol use in college was found in group 3. The conclusion was that modeling, even in a responsible manner (group 2) still led to higher levels of drinking in college than a parent who did not condone drinking at home during high school (group 1) (Livingston et al., 2010). In a separate study, researchers looked at an even larger sample of a population of 1253 randomly selected male and female students, age 17 to 19, moving from high school to college. The longitudinal study interviewed subjects at the end of the senior year and then again in the first year of college. Just as in the previous study, the findings in this research found that authoritative parenting in the instance of adolescent alcohol use resulted in lower and more responsible levels of alcohol use. The findings applied across all segments of the subject base regardless of sex, race or religion. As with the prior study, the research led to the conclusion that parents attitudes, boundaries, and monitoring plays a critical role in determining they type of drinking habits teens will carry into young adulthood. This is not to say authoritative parenting will stop alcohol use but can play a key role in promoting more responsible use as adolescents move out of the home (Arria, Kuhn, Caldeira, OGrady, Vincent, and Wish 2008). CULTURAL COMPARISON Though Europe and America may share the same roots, when it comes to alcohol use among adolescents the cultures of most European countries have historically been more permissive than America. France is a country that long held itself up as a successful model in its approach to teen drinking. But that success came under scrutiny when between 2004 and 2007 France saw a 50% increase in teens being hospitalized as a result of excessive alcohol use and becoming the leading cause of death for French youth (Crumley). Betrand Nalpas, head of the alcohol and addiction offices at the French National Institutes on Health and Medical Research has seen an increase in binge drinking and heavy consumption by French adolescents. Surveys show 20% of 17 year-olds get drunk at least 3 times a month and of those teens, there is a heavy correlation to drinking at home. The World Health Organization backs up these findings and has found in 15-19 year-olds, heavy episodic drinking in France is at an average of 35.5% compared to 28% in the U.S. (World Health Organization). Even with stricter laws and an increase in the drinking age, France is still battling heavy drinking among adolescents. Nalpas points his finger at cultural influences (Varney, 2011). Pascale Dhote, a French cardiologist and parent summed up the challenge the culture faces, Even when there are little ones, people say, Taste it, taste it. Wine is good. You have to taste it. Its part of French culture you have to try it' (Varney, 2011, para 10). Nalpas acknowledges the challenge the French face and points to the hurdle they must clear to move forward. The symbol of the French with the bottle of red wine and the bread and the hat. We have to change that (Varney, 2011, para 13).
Friday, May 15, 2020
Research Paper on SEO Business
Research Paper on SEO Business Today, we live in the era of online business. The introduction of the World Wide Web was the sole factor, which made everything in the world closer to you. Now every person can reach everything he/she wants just by logging in to the web, while staying at home. The number of online stores is increasing each second. This has facilitated the competition between firms working in the same fields. The business world is witnessing novel ideas for the development of business every day. The most modern option for the development of business is search engine optimization or the SEO. Your place and reputation on the web has a great influence on the company’s success. People have significantly changed their lifestyles in the past decades. It brought about the corresponding changes in the society as well. Consumerism became highly important, as now people are looking for high quality products at a reasonable price. A lot of web-sites on the Internet made it possible for them to compare the cost of each commodity and to choose the best one for the lowest possible price. This is the situation which has opened up the entry for the process of SEO. Every site, involved in some sort of business, will design their website in such a way as to optimize their chances to gain top positions in search systems.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact Of Social Media On Society - 1290 Words
Often there are inventions that change society. They become part of our everyday life. Social media is an invention that has changed the foundation of the way we communicate and in all probability, it will be around for the remainder of the homo sapiens lifespan. With life-changing inventions like social media, debates spark whether it is a good thing for our society or not. Dave Eggers â€Å"The Circle†shows the way social media can be a positive change for society with the Circle’s countless inventions that integrate social media. â€Å"SeeChange†is one of the inventions from the Circle that allows people to see HD quality live streams from a small device anywhere. Their claim is that with such devices we can make criminals and tyrants†¦show more content†¦SeeChange has the capabilities to witness any event as it happens and live to stream them in full HD quality from anywhere in the world. Eamon Bailey one of the founders of the company the Circle, introduced SeeChange as a surveillance for the world so that people no longer have to be afraid of oppressive leaders, militaries, police, and governments. As Bailey expressed â€Å"Tyrants can no longer hide. There needs to be and will be, documentation and accountability, and we need to bear witness. And to that end, I insist that all that happens should be known.†(pg 67-68) It is because of social media that things like this are possible. While we do not have the actual technology SeeChange, sites like Facebook make it possible for people to live stream events as they happen. I agree with Bailey to an extent. Tyrants should be held accountable for their actions but on the flip side, a technology like SeeChange can be very intrusive as well with the wrong person using it. Human beings inherently have always been bullies, no matter the age you look back on in history. Bullies, however, have always faced the consequences of bullying for the most part. In our modern society b ullying has become a mainstream thing because of the social media phenomena. Cyberbullying is an occurrence that has no boundaries. There are people constantly cyberbullying every minute of the day in social media sites. It isShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Social Media On Society Essay917 Words  | 4 PagesHave you thought about the impact that social media has on society? Today I would like to address the impact of social media on society for those of you that are social media users and this includes the advantages or disadvantages that as associated with it. In this speech, I want to relate to you how social media is being used by social media users. Social media has forever changed the way society works, whether it’s the sharing of an idea, the communication of news, or the availability of productsRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1742 Words  | 7 PagesSocial media has gained immense popularity, following increased access to the internet and technology devices including smart phones. Social media is used to denote platforms in which people build and share social connections; thus enhancing information sharing and interaction. Major examples include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram. Through social media, people can connect, interact and exchange information such as pictures, videos and other digital media byRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1420 Words  | 6 PagesSocial media as we know has changed. Now instead of messaging we are able to video chat, and instead of not knowing where someone is now we are able to see there locations and where they live. This is all because of social media. Social media has taken the world by storm including social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all sites where we communicate through text, videos, pictures, and much more. Rhetoric is used in social media and sometimes it can be overlooked. Sometimes we mightRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1563 Words  | 7 PagesSocial media has consumed our society. 47% of American adults used social networking sites in 2011 like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter; up from 26% in 2008(quoted from the aspects of social media both have a positive and negative impact on life. Social networking sites promote interaction with distant fami ly and friends. Social networking sites can demonstrate opportunities to strengthen existing relationships and to develop new friendships as well. The downfall of social media sitesRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society970 Words  | 4 Pagespiece titled Friends Indeed for the Washington Post. Garreau brings up possible dangers, minor inconveniences, and what truly defines a friend in the new media world we live in. I felt Garreau came across as jaded by most of the interviews he conducted. He did not seem to speak with a wide array of people that gave positive impacts social media can have, but rather focused on the negatives of the subject. Garreau did bring up valid points, however, from personal safety to the aspect of differentRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1560 Words  | 7 Pageswaiting for their next high, society has become more and more dependent on social media. One must realize, while the use of social media in today’s society is a necessity due to the fast-paced environment that has been created, it can never fully replace the value received from personal interaction with others. The short film titled, The Library Book, perfectly illustrates this as the characters within the film learn to assimilate in a society dominated by social media. 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Nowadays, the quote has been translated to fit the modern times, â€Å"everyone will be famous for 15mb†. The quote being changed to that says a lot about the times that we are going through right now, whichRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1224 Words  | 5 Pages Social media is a variety of platforms provided to the public as a medium for expression and communication. Seemingly, social media could be viewed as a positive contribution to society, but one must consider the underlying effects of society. Many of us don’t take into account the role that social media plays in the way we perceive things, think, and live our lives. Social media plays a critical part in societal norms. â€Å"Social norms are rules of conduct that governs interactions among individualsRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pages What it Means to be Black In 2016, society is at a place where people are able to discover tons of information at the touch of a finger; this indeed can impact on how we view common things in society, such as identity. This statement holds true for â€Å"blacks†or African Americans as well. The stigma that comes with being black has been around for centuries; however, many blacks are using social media to combat negativity. In an era predicated on the use of the internet, black people have proven to
The Murder Trial Of Casey Anthony - 1330 Words
From Avengers to Prosecutors: Ending Barbaric Justice. Every generation has felt, at one point or another, uneasy about the efficacy of their justice system. One need not look further than a few months ago with the controversial murder trial of Casey Anthony. People were enraged by the jury’s decision to let her go. Up until today, many people are convinced that there existed enough evidence for convicting her of first-degree murder of her daughter. Can we say that today’s justice system is ineffective in administering punishment? Should people take matters in their own hands if they do not agree on the court’s decision? Well, two thousand years ago, things were different. People took matters in their own hands. There was no judge, jury, prosecutor or defendant in Ancient Greece. Individuals acted as executioners based on their own predilections on how justice should be administrated and on whom. In the Oresteia, Aeschylus praises the substitution of such blood v engeance system with trial by jury, which according to him was a more civilized and equitable system. In that matter, I must agree with Aeschylus and argue that jury by trial is a far more civilized and equitable system than the old blood vengeance system. First, let us agree on the problems of the blood vengeance system. The most noticeable of the problems that arises from such system is the endless cycle of killing. We must note that the cycle did not start with Agamemnon and Cassandra’s murder; it is far moreShow MoreRelatedCasey Anthony Trial Essay1594 Words  | 7 PagesThe Casey Anthony Trial One of the most controversial and polemic trials of all times since the OJ Simpson trial was the case of Casey Anthony and the murder of her two year old daughter. All the evidences and witness revealed that she was the main suspect in the murder of her daughter; however in 2011 she was found not guilty of this murder due to several different aspects. This paper will inform and provide the reader with detailed information about this case. In addition the reader will findRead MoreCis 417 Week 7 Case Study 3 Casey Anthony Trial655 Words  | 3 PagesCIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL To purchase this visit here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 – CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL On July 5, 2011, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first-degree murder in the 2008 death of her daughter, Caylee. Further research this incident using quality and reputable resources. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Read MoreCasey Anthony Trial Essay732 Words  | 3 Pagesnation-wide. The death of Caylee Anthony, a two year old baby, became the most popular topic in a brief amount of time. Caylee’s mother, Casey Anthony, became the main suspect after the child supposedly was kidnapped and went missing. To this day, the Casey Anthony case shocks me because justice, in my opinion, wasn’t served. I feel as if the criminal conviction system became somewhat corrupted in this case. The entire nation, including the court system, knew that Casey Anthony was behind this criminalRead MoreThe Burden Of Proof Is The Duty Of A Party1659 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The burden of proof is the duty of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will shift the conclusion away from the default position, to that party s own position. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of the doubt, while the other side bears the burden of proof. When a party bearing the burden of proof meets their burden, the burden of proof switches to the other side. Burdens may be of different kinds for each party, in differentRead MoreCasey Anthony Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesCasey Anthony Trial Patricia Saylor Donna Dansey Computer Forensics November 25, 2012 Casey Anthony Case There have been many murder trials in the United States which have gripped the nation, OJ Simpson, BTK, Lee Harvey Oswald. But more shocking to the consciousness of America is the story of a child which has been killed. Such would be the case of Caylee Anthony, and the trial of Casey Anthony. In this assignment the discussion will focus on this case, exposingRead MoreMichael Anthony s Murder Was Not A Random Act1725 Words  | 7 PagesCaylee Anthony will never get to experience. When Caylee went missing and was later found dead in 2008, her entire future ended abruptly. Whether the Anthony family murdered Caylee as a scapegoat for their own problems or Caylee s death was a tragic accident, no one was convicted for her death. Although never brought to court, evidence suggests George Anthony killed his granddaughter, Caylee, and manipulated the evidence to direct the public’s eye away from himself. Caylee Anthony’s murder wasRead MoreCasey Anthony Trial782 Words  | 4 PagesCase Study 3: Casey Anthony Trial In June of 2008, Cynthia Anthony reported her two year old granddaughter, Caylee Anthony missing to the authorities of Orange County in Orlando, Florida. During questioning, Casey Anthony, the mother of Caylee Anthony informed the authorities that her child hand been abducted by her nanny and that she had been searching for her unsuccessfully for a month (Alvarez, 2011). Throughout the initial investigation, detectives found a number of inconsistenciesRead MoreEssay on Courtroom Tv974 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The Casey Anthony trial involves the death of her two year old daughter Caylee Anthony. Casey Anthony is accused of killing her daughter. Casey Anthony claims her two-year-old Caylee Anthony is missing On June 9, 2008 in Orange County, Florida. Anthony later tells police she dropped Caylee off at a babysitters apartment. The name that Casey had given to the police officers was Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. On June 16th 2008 was the last Caylee grandparents saw her alive. Casey didn’t giveRead MoreThe Casey Anthony Trail Essay542 Words  | 3 PagesThe Casey Anthony Trail, a case that lasted a month and a half was one that left everyone shocked, ending with no justice and a devastating result. It all started in 2008, when Caylee Anthony, a 2year old child went missing. The 2 year old’s mother, Casey Anthony stated to the police that the last time she has seen her daughter was when she dropped her off to the child’s babysitter. (Timeline of Casey Anthony Trial, ABC News Internet Ventures). However, things began to escalate when reporters statedRead MoreThe Tragic Case Of Two Year Old Caylee Anthony Essay1557 Words  | 7 PagesThe tragic case of two-year-old Caylee Anthony reveals the devastating consequences that murders can have on victims and their families. Caylee was an innocent toddler that lived with her mother, Casey Anthony and her maternal grandmothers, Cindy and George. On July 15, 2008 a call to 911 was sent in by Caylee’s grandmother Cindy, reporting that she hasn’t seen Caylee in 31 days and that the toddler’s mother’s car smelled like a dead body has been inside it. The toddler’s mother gave varied explanat ions
Worldview for Concept of God - Soul and Redemption - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theWorldview for Concept of God, Soul and Redemption. Answer: Different religions have different approaches while defining the concept of God, soul, redemption and afterlife and that precisely each of these approaches defines each worldview. The purpose of the essay is to compare and contrast the elements of worldview of two religions- Christianity, founded by Jesus Christ and Buddhism, founded by Gautama Buddha. The Christian worldview believes in the existence of an Omnipotent and Omniscient entity named God, often referred to as the Father who is the creator of the universe and anything inhabiting in it. The Christian worldview strongly emphasizes the importance of attaining oneness with God that can be accomplished through unconditional submission to Gods will and by leading a virtuous life (Ford, 2016). On the other hand, Buddhism does not acknowledge the presence of any external authority controlling the universe or influencing the destiny of mankind. This worldview however resembles Christianity as it also emphasizes the importance of compassion and empathy for fellow creatures. Although Buddhist worldview, unlike Christianity does not claim that a man should become a virtuous follower of God to lead a peaceful afterlife, it does state "Consider others as yourself (Turner, 2014)." The Christian worldview defines the concept of a self as a son of the Almighty, referred to as the Father. Although the body is mutable, the soul is imperishable and immortal which shares a tender and intimate relation with the external God, and this defines the concept of the self (Esqueda, 2014). The Buddhist worldview however does not rely on the concept of God for defining the self, and rather explains it in the light of five attributes- physical form, feelings, perceptions, intellectual activities such as volition, and consciousness. Since these components of the soul undergo transformation with every stage of life, Buddha believes in a temporary and ever-changing self, that just like the world is ever-changing (Park, 2017). The concept of an immortal should is dismissed here. The concept of self is important in defining the concept of suffering in both the worldviews. The Christian worldview believes that a man should lead a virtuous life as it will lead to Heaven and let him u nify with the Heavenly Father. Anyone who refuses to follow the virtuous life preached by Christ, will be subject to eternal damnation (Ryken, 2013). However, the Buddhist worldview believes regardless of anything, man will be subject to suffering and death, and the Four Noble Truths state that it is only through the extinction of desire or attachment that one can achieve the cessation of sufferings (Thanissaro Kulupana, 2015). While he self is subordinated to God in case of Christianity, the self play the ultimate role in attaining spiritual enlightenment and salvation in case of the Buddhist worldview. While Buddhism does not acknowledge the importance of adhering to any religious ritual, Christian worldview strongly recommends Communion and Baptism (Friesen, 2015). Buddha spoke of the Law of Karma where ones action, good or bad, will always have consequence that determine human destiny (Keown, 2016). The Christian worldview states that any kind of sin is the violation of the divine law and hence the offender is punished by the Almighty. While Buddhist worldview speaks of the cycle of birth and death, the Christian worldview negates the possibility of reincarnation. However, despite the differences in approach, both the worldviews recommend a selfless, virtuous life. Reference List: Esqueda, O. J. (2014). Biblical worldview: The Christian higher education foundation for learning.Christian Higher Education,13(2), 91-100. Ford, J. L. (2016). Buddhism, Christianity, and The Matrix: the dialectic of myth-making in contemporary cinema.Journal of Religion Film,4(2), 1. Friesen, J. G. (2015).Neo-Calvinism and Christian Theosophy: Franz von Baader, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd. Keown, D. (2016).Buddhism and bioethics. Springer. Park, J. Y. (2017).Women and Buddhist Philosophy: Engaging Zen Master Kim Iry?p. University of Hawai'i Press. Ryken, P. G. (2013).Christian worldview: A student's guide. Crossway. Thanissaro, P. N., Kulupana, S. (2015). Buddhist teen worldview: some normative background for health professionals.Contemporary Buddhism,16(1), 28-42. Turner, A. (2014).Saving Buddhism: The impermanence of religion in colonial Burma. University of Hawai'i Press.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Popcorn and Brand free essay sample
Research Paper In this scientific experiment and in my research through five different brands being tested that Act II of stovetop popcorn kernels is the best brand based on its popped volume and taste. I chose this experiment because even though it is not the healthiest of snacks out there it is one of my favorites and I eat it almost everyday so I might as well get to know it a little better and do an experiment with it. I am very interested in which brands have a better quality of kernels and the many different tastes that come with them too. Cooking popcorn in the microwave isn’t as much fun as it is on the stove too, I enjoy when it pops out of the pot and I always try to time it right to see when they start popping and it is also helpful to know which brands pop faster and how and why they do based on their color, or size, or the temperature they are ready to pop at. There are some questions I have asked myself in order to put together this whole experiment and my hypothesis. How does the color of some popcorns affect how long it takes them to cook or be popped and why the different colors affect them? Which brand could possibly be cooked the fastest and taste the best based on the same exact ingredients added to every different brand and cooked the same way? Which brand perhaps could be the healthiest one to eat rather then the worst one for you with the same ingredients added? Which brand gets the most kernels popped out of the batch cooked at the same exact time and temperature used in all experiments? Which brand of popcorn based of all variables of the brands comes out the best cooked due to the same procedures in each? The brand that I think is the best brand based on its taste and volume is Act II brand without the comparison to the other brands based on the same experiment done to each. Each test subject will be done with the same amount of time and ingredients added to each procedure. The five brands of popcorn I will be using in this experiment are Pop secret(butter), Act II, Orville, Newman’s Own, and Jiffy Pop. The ingredients that will be used in this experiment are 3 tablespoons of canola oil, 1/3 cup of kernels, 1 3-quart pot with a lid, 2 tablespoons of butter that’s melted, and 2 teaspoons of salt. All of these will be added to each one of the popcorns specifically according to how the directions I followed and are all done the exact way. The ways all of these popcorns are cooked are followed by this specific order of directions I used for them all. First you preheat the 3 tablespoons of oil in the pot on a medium temperature and add 3 kernels in and then cover the pan. When the three pop add the rest of the 1/3 popcorn, also add the 2 teaspoons of salt into the pot and cover it and remove it from the heat and count to 30. This method heats the oil to the right temperature then when you count to 30 it brings the kernels to a near popping temperature but they cannot fully pop yet because they need more heat. After the 30 seconds put the pot back on the heat and keep the lid a little ajar to keep the steam out and they should all be popping at about the same time, while popping add the 2 tablespoons of butter and shake gently to get it to mix around. Once popping slows to about 6 seconds between pops take off lid and dump the popcorn into a bowl and then count the kernels, taste the popcorn, and test the volume. To do this scientific experiment I had a total of 10 tasters who do not eat kernels and 5 popcorn products used. Each of the tasters tasted each type of popcorn that was cooked equally, with equal additives. The very first popcorn I started with and made was the Pop secret (butter) popcorn. 3 out of 10 people preferred this popcorn because of the way it tastes and how it came out. One of my tasters said â€Å"it has a great popcorn flavor taste and was crunchy, but soft at the same time and it came out wider after popped than the other brands of popcorn. †The two others preferred this brand because of the buttery taste which it was already butter flavored but when we cooked this we also added butter giving it an enhanced butter taste which of course makes it taste way better. Out of the 1/3 of the cup of kernels added to be popped only 3 kernels were counted not popped in the bowl, and the rest were all popped corn. This brand when popped also has a yellowish color to its popcorn. Most of the kernels popped in this brand and that’s a good outcome if you are trying to make popcorn, you’ll get more out of what you put in and people usually do not like the kernels and wind up throwing them out anyway. The second brand of popcorn I used in this experiment was the brand Act II popcorn. 3 out of 10 people preferred this brand because of a lot of different reasons. My testers said, †this popcorn has great taste when cooked and it tastes perfect with the additive amount of butter we used because it’s not to much or to little considering it already has a hint of butter flavor. â€Å"We also love the color it came out as, how thick it came out popped as with a greater volume of size. †This brand when pops comes out thicker and bigger popped corn, and is crunchy but soft at the same time. It has a hint of yellowish look to it that gives it that buttery look therefore it will definitely taste good and looks good. After pouring this batch of popcorn into the bowl we counted only 4 kernels that were not popped, which means most of these kernels popped and hardly any of it will not go to waste do to my testers who don’t eat kernels. The third brand of popcorn used in my experiment was Orville popcorn. Only 2 out of 10 people preferred this brand of popcorn. My two testers gave about the same explination as to why they liked this brand better and they said tester said â€Å"it is a slightly sweet tasting popcorn and they like the texture of it because it is more thinner then the other 4 brands. †It is a more natural popcorn flavor and kernel so when popped these popcorn comes out a white color rather then a yellowish but it has more of a duller flavor besides the tiny bit of sweet in it. After we had cooked this brand of popcorn and poured it in the bowl we found that 11 kernels did not pop out of the 1/3-cup of kernels added. The other tasters did not enjoy this popcorn as much as the other two yellowish looking popcorns because of the taste and how many kernels were left over after cooked. The fourth brand used in my experiment was Newman’s Own popcorn. Only 1 out of 10 of my testers preferred this brand for a couple of specific reasons. My tester said, â€Å" I prefer my popcorn a more whiter less buttery popcorn, not to crunchy but more soft and thinner. †This popcorn came out a lot more white colored than the rest of the 4 other brands and it did not absorb much of the butter added when it was being made. After it was cooked and poured into the bowl there was 15 kernels counted that weren’t popped out of the 1/3 cup of kernels added. Many were left not popped and this brand of popcorn definitely didn’t have a sweet taste or buttery taste at all to it, mostly bland flavored. The fifth and final brand of popcorn used in my experiment was Jiffypop popcorn. Out of the 10 people that tested this only 1 enjoyed it rather then the other 4 brands. My tester said â€Å" it had a sweet taste, it was more thin and at the same time soft with crunch and it is better with more ingredients added to it rather then just plain. †This popcorn after being popped came out to be a more white looking color and absorbed most of the butter added during the cooking process which gave it better taste. Out of the 1/3 cup of kernels added only 7 kernels were not popped in this batch, which was less than the other two white popcorns but still higher then the ones that came out to be a yellow color. This brand only had one vote from my testers only because of the additives used during the cooking process I think, because if it wasn’t for that I think it would have been just dull and bland with not a good taste at all, so normal this would have been the least popular popcorn made. For this experiment on my 5 different brands of popcorn I used the same exact ingredients and cooked the popcorn the same time, as the 10 testers that tested each of popcorn and were the same people. I thought that before doing this experiment that there would be a much more different outcome then there was but the outcome is still related to my hypothesis greatly. One of the major outcomes of this experiment was I thought that Act II popcorn brand was the best and it turns out that the brand Popsecret had a tie with my favorite brand which I thought would be preferred without a doubt. I thought that the more yellowish looking popcorns would take the most preferred title and they did because they look more buttery and taste better due to that of how they actually taste when a yellowish flavor and by the way they look you just know a piece of yellow popcorn is going to taste better than a white one according to how your brain works and your body. I thought that the three whitish looking popcorns that were actually the 3 most least preferred were not going to be liked as much and they weren’t. The other 3 brands that were white such as Orville, Newman’s Own, and Jiffy Pop, didn’t have as much flavor than the other two and had the most kernels left over after placed in a bowl. These three came out with less pop and were more thinner and softer then the two favorite. A good side about these three white colored popcorns though is they had a little more of a sweet tasting flavor rather then buttery, which would be loved by people who enjoyed a sweeter taste. My hypothesis is confirmed because out of the 5 brands Act II had 3 out of 10 votes, it was in a tie with Popsecret popcorn with the most preferred but Act II popcorn also had the most compliments due to its taste, size, color, and its volume. It had a low kernel count leftover after it was done cooking and was overall the best popcorn. I confirmed my hypothesis and it is a true outcome because of the experimentation information that was recorded and told to me. My hypothesis was accurate because I believed that Act II brand popcorn was the best because its my favorite and I always eat it and after being tested by other people and preferred by them too based of its size, flavor, volume, and color I can say that I was accurate to my hypothesis through experimentation rather then just what I think is good. In my research it was very beneficial in a lot of different ways for my testers and me. I got to taste other brands of popcorn and so did my testers that we did not have before. It was a lot of fun for me and everyone I did this experiment with. My favorite brand of popcorn was most preferred from other people too. My research helped me have a better understanding in 5 different brands of popcorn and the quality of the brands. I usually eat popcorn that has to be microwaved and that is way worse for you do to the radiation and unnatural cooking but I got to use the stove and learn how to cook popcorn on it good. My experiment wasn’t unbeneficial in anyway I thought everything about it I learned a lot from and so did others. With this experiment I conducted I was definitely able to find sufficient research on it. The research that I made a list of and how I recorded everything that happened during each experiment widened my focus with the topic. Everything that I had recorded helped me understand each brand better from either cooking it or taking information down by asking my testers what they think about that certain type of popcorn. All of the qualities of each popcorn brand were recorded and each was specifically described, such as their own volume, size, taste, texture and their color. I think all of this information broadens my regard for this topic because it gives me and other people a better understanding of each of these 5 brands of these popcorns qualities. My research also helps because it shows how many kernels were popped in the different brands and gives us a good idea of how many people would like the certain brands, the more popular brands, and most purchased. The available research that I had taken down and recorded was not insuffient and was very helpful to me quality wise and quantity. I got all I needed to know out of this experiment from the 5 brands of popcorn I used and the 10 testers that helped me do this experiment. It was a successful experiment and the method I used was a success also, and It helped me come to a good and correct conclusion with my hypothesis. During this experiment I relied on fewer than three primary resources, which was my brands of popcorn and my testers, so I had two primary resources available. There were both resulting advantages and disadvantages in this experiment. Some advantages in my research were I got to find out the best tasting popcorns and the most preferred according to myself and others who tested the different brands out. Another positive is I recorded the kernels popped so I can see what batch ill get the most popped popcorn out of when it is cooked. What is also recorded is the taste, texture, the way it crunches, and the sweetness of the different brands of popcorn. There were also some disadvantages with this experiment as well. One of those disadvantages could be that maybe one of the testers had a specifically favorite brand and only chose that one because it’s the one that they would most prefer because everyone has different taste and likes different things, so it may not be fully accurate. Another downside of this experiment could be that maybe if I cooked the different brands for a little longer all of the kernels could have been popped but I used the same exact method for each to make the experiment equal. More advantages to this experiment then there were disadvantages and my research recorded helped a lot.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The 7 Form of Propositional Essay
The 7 Form of Propositional EssayBeing able to write a good persuasive essay is one of the biggest challenges in college writing. This is because students have so many choices of material to use that they do not know which ways of writing are most effective. It is especially challenging for non-native English speakers, who need to determine how to use the written word effectively. Writing a persuasive essay is a skill that must be learned and mastered.One of the most common ways to learn how to write a persuasive essay is by using samples. These samples will help you learn how to write better persuasive essays that appeal to your audience. Sample persuasive essays can be used to help you write persuasive essays and to help you decide which method of writing is best. In this way, you can get a feel for what it takes to successfully write a persuasive essay.The most basic form of persuasive essay is called the personal essay. This is one where you tell a story about yourself or about a particular situation you had. You might be writing about a college experience, a specific holiday event, or a personal accomplishment. Most often, personal essays deal with something you are good at, something you enjoy, or something that will make readers relate to you.The third form of persuasive essay is the argumentative essay. In this type of essay, you present one idea or statement that is backed up by proof or evidence. It should then provide a counter argument for the opposing argument. In order to be successful in an argumentative essay, you must present your arguments in a convincing manner.The fourth form of persuasive essay is the analytic essay. In this type of essay, you present a logical argument for the position you are taking. You must make sure that the argument you present will persuade readers to agree with your position. You must be able to draw their attention to the reasons why your position is correct.The fifth form of persuasive essay is the critical essay. In this essay, you give a comprehensive explanation for the reasons why your position is correct. You must show why your position is correct by presenting all the facts and proofs that support your claims.The sixth form of persuasive essay is the interpretive essay. In this essay, you present three views of an issue. You must then determine which view is right and that view is wrong.Finally, the seventh form of persuasive essay is the historical essay. In this essay, you must present three perspectives on a certain historical event and weigh the relative merits of each one of them.
Arundel case study free essay sample
After a thorough investigation into the venture you are considering, we have the following data and analysis for your review. In order for you to make a more informed decision, we have also provided recommendations for this endeavor based off our findings. Throughout the entirety of this report, we have taken many different approaches to better survey this idea so you can make a more informed decision. We have formatted this formal report to be easy to understand, as well as, comprehensive. Analysis Methods Net Present Value Decision Tree Analysis Black-Scholes Model We used the above methods to determine the appropriate value of the option for the sequel rights under each scenario. This value can be looked at as the maximum price to pay, given that it is the highest value you can expect to earn. If the agreed upon per-film price exceeded the derived values, you will be out-of-the-money. Conclusion After carrying out each valuation approach, we found maximum price to pay per film was around the same under each method. We will write a custom essay sample on Arundel case study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Method Maximum Per-Film Price (in millions) Net Present Value $4. 88 Decision Tree Analysis $4. 896 Black-Scholes Model $4. 56 We recommend not paying above $4. 56 million per film as given by the Black-Scholes model. This figure is the most conservative value we found throughout our real options analysis. Problem Statement The investment group, Arundel Partners, is seeking to create an innovative business where the ability to create and produce movie sequels is transformed into an option market. This will be achieved in two ways: buying the sequel rights to a film prior to the first movie being released, and purchasing an entire portfolio of films from major movie companies to achieve information symmetry. It is imperative that Arundel agrees on the sequel rights price prior to any movie being created. If they waited, the various production studios would have more information on hand about the possible success or failure of each film, causing the negotiated price to fluctuate unfairly. With the sequel rights and complete movie revenue data, Arundel can decide which movies will contribute to a profitable sequel and which will not. Successfully forming this business brings a number of problems to the surface. Arundel Partners must figure out how much money they should spend on each film in order to make a profit. In determining this figure, hypothesized sequel revenues are estimated based on the first film data. This is risky because they are just projected revenues, but they are being used to make multi-million dollar business decisions. Analysis of the Problem Net Present Value We set out to determine the Net Present Value per film for the hypothetical sequels. This figure could be viewed as the revenue (in millions) Arundel could expect to receive from the sequel of each of the 99 films purchased. It is important to note that they would not create a sequel for every movie; they would only create a sequel if it were profitable to do so. Exhibit 7 shows the expected present values and one-year holding period returns. First, we discounted the hypothetical sequel net inflows back to year three to match the period of the hypothetical sequel negative cost. We used an effective annual rate of 12. 36% to discount, derived from the given 6% semi-annual discount rate. Then we subtracted the year three negative costs from the year three net inflows, leaving us with the NPV in year three. There were 26 films with a positive NPV, which are shown in Table 1 of the Appendix. We then discounted the year three NPV back to year zero, when Arundel would be purchasing the portfolio of movies. This gave us a total NPV of $483. 2 million, which we divided by 99 (the total number of films being purchased) to find a NPV per film of $4. 88 million. Although this value is only made up of 26 films, they will be purchasing all 99 sequel rights. Using the Net Present Value analysis, Arundel should not pay more than $4. 88 million for each movie. Additionally, if they pay the suggested studio price of $2 million per film, they would make an estimated $2. 88 million per filmâ€â€a very profitable venture. Decision Tree Analysis We also used the binomial model to construct a decision tree to find the max value Arundel should pay for the sequel rights per movie. Using this method, the highest value they should pay is $4. 896 million. To set up the tree, we used the average net inflow of hypothetical sequels in year 4 (taken from Exhibit 7) of $21. 60 million and discounted it back to year 0 (1989) when the films were released. We discounted using 12. 36% again, the effective annual rate derived from the given 6% semi-annual discount rate. This gives us a value of $13. 53 million to start the net inflow tree (Appendix: Table 3). For our time variable, we are using 12 periods symbolizing the 12 months between the distribution of the first movie and the hypothetical sequel. We used a standard deviation of 1. 21, taken from the one-year return of the hypothetical sequel in Exhibit 7. We then found the U and D values to construct a 12 period binomial tree. 1 After creating this tree, we worked backwards to create a new tree illustrating the payoffs in each state to find the per film option price. We took the negative cost for the hypothetical sequel and discounted it back to year 2, the time that Arundel could decide to exercise the right to produce the sequel. We discounted it using the average 10-year risk free rate in 1992 (7. 03%). This cost is $21. 12. By subtracting the cost at exercise (effectively the strike price) from the present value of the net inflow at year 0, we determine the payoffs. 2 We continue to move backwards throughout the tree using risk neutral valuation (Table 4). Black-Scholes Model Additionally, we ran the Black-Scholes model to determine the price of the sequel options. We used $13. 55 as the present value of cash flows, taken from the average net inflows from year four and discounted back to year zero. This will symbolize the variable S in our real option analysis. The next variable, X, which is the cost of the project can be taken from of Exhibit 7. Since it is the investment, it is a fixed variable and does not need to be discounted, so the value of $22. 6 is used as the variable X. The volatility (? ) is also derived from Exhibit 7, as the standard deviation of the one-year return. We are using a time period of 1 year (T=1), which is the window of time the option can be exercised. We used the same risk free rate as in the binomial model of 7. 03%. Based off these variables, we ran the Black-Scholes model yielding a result of $4. 56 million per film. This is the fair price at which the studio should be willing to purchase the rights to a sequel of a film. Sensitivity Analysis Our scenario analysis (Table 5) reveals the effect that the risk free rate and the volatility have on the price of the call option of the sequels. By isolating the risk free rate we can see that a 10% increase in volatility leads to a $0. 5 million jump in the call price. However, when isolating the volatility, a 1% increase in the risk free rate leads to a $0. 03 million jump in the call price. Finally, our scenario analysis tells us that when valuing the call option one has to be aware of the impact of the risk free rate and volatility. Potential Problems Feasible Solutions Working with major movie studios, there are a number of problems Arundel faces in attempt to maintain positive relationships: It could be challenging to agree upon a payment structure due to conflicting interest amongst the studios and Arundel. When drafting the contract, a provision should be included regarding the payment structure. If the movie rights no longer belong to the movie studios they may put forth a lack-luster effort, because the financial success of this movie is no longer beneficial to them, creating a principal-agent problem. To avoid this problem, Arundel could add a bonus incentive paid to high grossing films. As stated earlier, the possibility of creating asymmetric information is a huge problem to Arundel. The longer they wait to buy the sequel rights, the more the production studio knows about the prospective success of this original movie. As they see interest grow for a particular movie, it may cause the studio to raise the price for the sequel rights. This would significantly affect Arundel returns. To combat this issue, it is imperative that Arundel buy these rights as early as possible to prevent the studios from having a means to charge higher prices. Recommendations We have determined that Arundel should not purchase the portfolio of sequel rights if it is more than $4. 56 million per film. Technically, the price could be as high as $4. 89 million, given by the binomial model; however, we will err on the side of caution to ensure the highest return possible. Paying any amount higher would cause Arundel to lose money on these options. The suggested studio price of $2 million per film should definitely be taken, allowing a profit of almost $3 million per film. Summary and Closing In closing, Arundel Partners can be a very successful and profitable firm. After carrying out the Net Present Value, Binomial Tree Model, and Black-Scholes Model, they can estimate making $4. 88, $4. 89, and $4. 56 million per film, respectively. This data gives them a minimum of $451. 44 million in revenue from the portfolio of 99 movies. If the suggested studio price of $2 million per film were agreed upon, the cost for the portfolio would only be $198 million, leaving $253. 44 million in profit. As long as Arundel agrees upon a price before any production of the first film begins, coincide on an appropriate pay structure, and add a premium to high grossing movies, they should avoid any problems with the movie production companies. All in all, Arundel Partners can expect to earn very high returns on their investments in the innovative movie sequel option market. Appendix Table 1 Net Present Value Calculation Studio/Movie Title PV of Net Inflows at Year 4a PV of Negative Cost at Year 3 One-Year Return NPV year 3 NPV year 0 MCA UNIVERSAL 1 Parenthood $76
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Spanish Words Without a One-Word English Equivalent
Spanish Words Without a One-Word English Equivalent Here are some Spanish words for which there is no good one-word English equivalent: Amigovio/amigovia This word is fairly new and has various meanings dependent on context, but it often refers to a live-in girlfriend or boyfriend, or a friend with benefits. Katrina era mi amigovia, pero desde que estoy con Belà ©n no la vi ms. (Katrina was my friend with benefits, but since Ive been with Belà ©n I dont see her any more.) Anteayer The day before yesterday, formed by combining ante (before) and ayer (yesterday). Ese es el restaurante al que fuimos anteayer. (That is the restaurant we went to the day before yesterday.) Aprovechar Although this verb can often be translated simply as to use, it often carries a strong connotation of getting the most out of something. No pude aprovechar de la piscina del hotel porque prefiero la playa. (I couldnt take advantage of the hotels swimming pool because I prefer the beach.) Bimestre As a noun, a bimestre is a period of two months. El ahorro en un bimestre fue de 2,500 euros. (There was a savings of 2,500 euros in two months.) As an adjective, bimestre means bimonthly (every two months). Cacerolazo A type of protest in which participants bang on pots and pans. Los cacerolazos comenzaron ayer temprano en Buenos Aires. (The pots-and-pans protest began early yesterday in Buenos Aires.) Centenar A group of 100. The word is often used as an approximation for a large group. Un centenar de inmigrantes de origen subsahariano han intentado saltar la valla de Melilla. (About 100 sub-Saharan immigrants have tried to jump the fence at Melilla.) Concuado/concuada Someone married to a sibling of your spouse is a concuà ±ado or concuà ±ada. La esposa del hermano de mi esposa is mi concuà ±ada. My wifes brothers wife is my concuà ±ada. Consuegro/consuegra If you have a child, his or her spouses parents are your consuegros. For example, your sons wifes mother would be your consuegra. No sà © si mi consuegra es mi amiga or mi enemiga. (I dont know if my childs spouses mother is friend or foe.) Decena Just as a docena is a dozen or group of 12, a decena is a group of 10. Puedes comprar flores por decena. (You can buy flowers 10 at a time.) Desvelarse This reflexive verb refers to not getting sufficient sleep. Cuando nos desvelamos, el cuerpo obtiene energà a de una fuente ms accesible: la comida. (When we dont get enough sleep, the body gets energy from the most accessible source: food.) Someone who is sleep-deprived is desvelado. Empalagar To be excessively sweet, either literally (as of some candy) or figuratively (as with personality). Te voy a enseà ±ar mi receta particular, por causa de que la original me empalaga. (Im going to send you my own recipe, because the original is too sweet for me.) Entrecejo The area above the nose, below the forehead and between the eyebrows. Quiero quitarme sin dolor los pelos del entrecejo. (I want to painlessly remove the hairs between my eyebrows.) Estrenar To wear, use, perform or display something for the first time. Estrenà © las zapatillas que mi marido me habà a regalado. (For the first time, I put on the slippers that my husband had given me.) A noun form, estreno, can refer to a movie or play premiere or similar events. Friolento Sensitive to cold. Era friolento y se cubrà a los hombros con un suà ©ter. (She was sensitive to the cold and covered her shoulders with a sweater.) Friolero has the same meaning. Estadounidense From or of the United States. American is a common equivalent but is sometimes ambiguous as it can also refer to someone or something from the Americas. La cultura estadounidense est construida por la clase media. (U.S. culture was built by the middle class.) Internauta Internet user. Internauta is not capitalized and can be masculine or feminine. El acceso a Internet para la poblacià ³n mexicana representa al menos 55.3 millones de internautas. (Internet access for the Mexican population is available to at least 55.3 million Internet users.) Manco Having one arm, either from birth or as an amputee. Un dà a conocà una muchacha manca. (One day I met a one-armed girl.) Quincena This is a period of 15 days or two weeks. British English has fortnight, which is seldom used in American English. Esta quincena es la ms tranquila del aà ±o en Pamplona. (This two-week period is the quietest of the year in Pamplona.) The word can also refer to the 15th of the month, when many workers in some countries get paid. Sobremesa After-meal conversation, from sobre (over) and mesa (table). Con poco tiempo para la sobremesa volvemos a la carretera. (With little time to chat after eating, we went back to the highway.) Trasnochar To stay up all night or put in an all-nighter. Nos trasnochbamos jugando juegos como Islander y Super Mario. (We would stay up all night playing games such as Islander and Super Mario.) Tuerto Having only one eye, or seeing with only one eye. Se llama Pirata por ser tuerto. (He was called Pirate because he had one eye.) Tutear To speak to someone using tà º, the familiar form of you. A cultural equivalent might be to speak with someone on a first-name basis. Nunca habà a llegado al punto de tutear a alguien. (I never have reached the point of using tà º with someone.)
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Math in Biotechnology field Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Math in Biotechnology field - Assignment Example 3- You are setting up a PCR reaction and the protocol asks you to add 0.9ng of DNA to the reaction. You have a sample of DNA which is 3mg/ml. Describe your approach to adding the same volume in parts per million to the reaction? Be specific, describe your dilutions, how much you will pipette, etc? 4- You are setting up a PCR reaction and the protocol asks you to add 3.0ng of DNA to the reaction. You have a sample of DNA which is 8mg/ml. Describe your approach to adding the same volume in parts per million to the reaction? Be specific, describe your dilutions, how much you will pipette, etc? 5- You are setting up a PCR reaction and the protocol asks you to add 0.6ng of DNA to the reaction. You have a sample of DNA which is 6mg/ml. Describe your approach to adding the same volume in parts per million to the reaction? Be specific, describe your dilutions, how much you will pipette,
Saturday, February 8, 2020
KNOW HOW HUMAN RESOURCES ARE MANAGED Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
KNOW HOW HUMAN RESOURCES ARE MANAGED - Assignment Example This description generally offers comprehensive information about the duties, purpose, scope, responsibilities and the working conditions of that particular job during the term or time period. The job description also offers information about the designation of the person whom the potential candidate is supposed to report for the duration of the job. In addition to that, he is offered all this information before the commencement of the interview regarding the job. When the employers are looking for filling up a specific post in their organization, they are looking for various qualities pertaining to that specific post. Take an example, if the employers are looking for filling the post of General Manager for a consumer products company. The first quality they look for is the management degree in that specific area. The second quality they look for is the experience in a similar company for 6-7 years. Also, they look for various personal skills such as team player, communication skills, flexibility, their initiative or record of management (Legace, 2007). Employment contract can be broadly defined as the contract between the employer and the employee that spells out the particulars and understanding between both parties regarding all matters and protect both parties in event of any issue (Withrow, 2015). There are many key features of the employment contract such as length of the contract, nature of compensation, specifics of the job, type of performance, position of both parties, benefits and other elements and most important, procedure regarding termination of contact and its terms. The skilled and experienced human resource plays a vital role in progress of any organization. So, these organizations do their best to attract the best candidates (Baird & Meshoulam, 1988). There are many methods with which any organization can attract the potential candidates. Some of them are salaries, bonuses, incentives and stock options, increasing facilities in the
Thursday, January 30, 2020
A summer in Canada Essay Example for Free
A summer in Canada Essay All my life I have chosen to experience as much as possible to enrich myself, but the most memorable experience in my childhood was the summer following seventh grade in school. I went to a summer camp in Vancouver, Canada where I spent half the day immersed in cultural studies and the other half involved in outside activities. Then I went to my aunt’s house in Toronto for two weeks. That was the first time I had traveled abroad. I was very excited about this trip and learned a lot from it, including the benefits of teachers directly interacting with students, the rewards of trying new things, and having the time to appreciate nature’s beauty and urban life. I noticed several ways the culture of Canada differed from Chinese culture. First, unlike in China, Western people place heavy emphasis on interacting. For example, when I had a class in Canada, the teachers were more likely to communicate with the students instead of just teaching. We were not just listeners. I really admire this kind of education because it helped me better become involved in my studies. Second, the teachers often pushed students to go outside to do research. For instance, I went to the market to make a statistical comparison of the price for every kind of product. It forced me to communicate with the staff in the market. As a matter of fact, I improved my English. In addition, people in Western countries liked to try new things. In China, I spent most of my time indoors studying; I didn’t know the wisdom to be found in engaging nature and its environment. For instance, I went camping on a big mountain and spent a night there. I came across many new experiences such as making a fire or erecting the tent and conquering them both. After I experienced these activities, I not only captured the Canadian culture, but also learned many skills from it. Furthermore, as I was living in a homestay the first two weeks, I became more independent. I was forced to deal with my living conditions by myself. I learned to wash my own clothes, cook some simple dishes, clean my room, and do some housework. This helped me a lot on my future life. Apart from having some new ideas when I traveled in Canada, I saw many amazing views both in nature and in the city. I went to a place called Butchart Garden, which is near Vancouver with beautiful scenery. I took many pictures of flowers and trees. It was the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. What is more, I was attracted by the atmosphere on a street in the downtown of Toronto. When I was sitting in a chair near the street, I saw many people in the cafà © enjoying the moment. They were just drinking and talking. That suddenly reminded me that I should never stop looking around to what is happening right now. When I was in China, I was always concentrated with taking one exam after another exam, and never stopped to reflect on what was around me. Having time to think about myself and my needs now seemed to be necessary in my life. In conclusion, this experience in Canada taught me how to live a more balanced life and how to communicate more effectively with others. This trip changed me and made my childhood more meaningful as well as improving my abilities in both studying and living.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Use of Immorality in Order to Achieve Popular Rule Essay -- essays
     Throughout The Prince and The Discourses of Livy, Niccolo Machiavelli demonstrates multiple theories and advocacies as to why popular rule is important to the success of a state. Popular rule is a term that will be used to define an indirect way to govern the people of a state. In order to rule the masses, a leader must please the people or revolts will occur, causing mayhem and a lack of stability in oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s state. During both written works, Machiavelli stresses the importance of obedience and order needed for a state, and especially for a leader to be successful. Machiavelli thoroughly states that anything and everything must be done to keep the peace of the masses, even if acts of immorality are used. However, instead of advocating immorality, Machiavelli is saying that to serve the people and the state well, a ruler must not restrict himself to conventional standards of morality. His use of immoral tactics in leadership would appear to be unpopu lar; however the acts of immorality have limitations and are done solely to avoid displeasing the masses or creating disorder. Therefore it is acceptable to practice immorality if it is done only to a small number of constituents, if it is not repeated, and if it is performed to please and benefit the public. It is these limitations that prove Machiavelli is arguing that the use of immoral tactics, to rule the people and in turn be ruled by the people, is needed. He suggests that if the majority of the population is unhappy with a leader, that particular leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rule would be in jeopardy, thus falling victim to popular rule.      The first justification for the use of immorality is that it is only practiced upon a small number of residents. Machiavelli summarizes that it is better for a ruler to be immoral to a few of his subjects and prevent disorder from spreading because disorder will damage the community as a whole more than it will damage a few individuals in isolated acts of immorality. The priority of the leader is to maintain order and act to prevent disorder because, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the whole community suffers if there are riots, while to maintain order the ruler only has to execute one or two individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (51). Citizens of a community would much rather live in a peaceful and orderly world which exemplifies how a ruler is actually a slave to the people. It... ...rder, brought unity and made the state as a whole law abiding and peaceful.      Overall Machiavellià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s perspective does seem harsh and cold at times, but he proves to be an avid supporter of popular rule throughout his writings. He believes in popular rule so strongly that he states it is acceptable to use immoral means to achieve a peaceful government. If the citizens are not happy and feel their ruler disregards their wishes then the populace could become enraged and therefore, the ruler would not be executing his power of indirect popular rule. Machiavelli states that in order to achieve the necessity of popular rule, a leader will have to step outside a moral sphere and do whatever it takes to achieve popular rule. Machiavelli puts clear and strict limits on acts of immorality in leadership. The use of immorality is only acceptable in order to achieve overall good for a government. Engaging in immorality for the sake of popular rule is justified because it is done to serve the people and the state successfully. Works Cited Machiavelli. Selected Political Writings. Trans: David Wooton. Indianapolis: Hackett,      1994.
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