Thursday, January 30, 2020
A summer in Canada Essay Example for Free
A summer in Canada Essay All my life I have chosen to experience as much as possible to enrich myself, but the most memorable experience in my childhood was the summer following seventh grade in school. I went to a summer camp in Vancouver, Canada where I spent half the day immersed in cultural studies and the other half involved in outside activities. Then I went to my aunt’s house in Toronto for two weeks. That was the first time I had traveled abroad. I was very excited about this trip and learned a lot from it, including the benefits of teachers directly interacting with students, the rewards of trying new things, and having the time to appreciate nature’s beauty and urban life. I noticed several ways the culture of Canada differed from Chinese culture. First, unlike in China, Western people place heavy emphasis on interacting. For example, when I had a class in Canada, the teachers were more likely to communicate with the students instead of just teaching. We were not just listeners. I really admire this kind of education because it helped me better become involved in my studies. Second, the teachers often pushed students to go outside to do research. For instance, I went to the market to make a statistical comparison of the price for every kind of product. It forced me to communicate with the staff in the market. As a matter of fact, I improved my English. In addition, people in Western countries liked to try new things. In China, I spent most of my time indoors studying; I didn’t know the wisdom to be found in engaging nature and its environment. For instance, I went camping on a big mountain and spent a night there. I came across many new experiences such as making a fire or erecting the tent and conquering them both. After I experienced these activities, I not only captured the Canadian culture, but also learned many skills from it. Furthermore, as I was living in a homestay the first two weeks, I became more independent. I was forced to deal with my living conditions by myself. I learned to wash my own clothes, cook some simple dishes, clean my room, and do some housework. This helped me a lot on my future life. Apart from having some new ideas when I traveled in Canada, I saw many amazing views both in nature and in the city. I went to a place called Butchart Garden, which is near Vancouver with beautiful scenery. I took many pictures of flowers and trees. It was the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. What is more, I was attracted by the atmosphere on a street in the downtown of Toronto. When I was sitting in a chair near the street, I saw many people in the cafà © enjoying the moment. They were just drinking and talking. That suddenly reminded me that I should never stop looking around to what is happening right now. When I was in China, I was always concentrated with taking one exam after another exam, and never stopped to reflect on what was around me. Having time to think about myself and my needs now seemed to be necessary in my life. In conclusion, this experience in Canada taught me how to live a more balanced life and how to communicate more effectively with others. This trip changed me and made my childhood more meaningful as well as improving my abilities in both studying and living.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Use of Immorality in Order to Achieve Popular Rule Essay -- essays
     Throughout The Prince and The Discourses of Livy, Niccolo Machiavelli demonstrates multiple theories and advocacies as to why popular rule is important to the success of a state. Popular rule is a term that will be used to define an indirect way to govern the people of a state. In order to rule the masses, a leader must please the people or revolts will occur, causing mayhem and a lack of stability in oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s state. During both written works, Machiavelli stresses the importance of obedience and order needed for a state, and especially for a leader to be successful. Machiavelli thoroughly states that anything and everything must be done to keep the peace of the masses, even if acts of immorality are used. However, instead of advocating immorality, Machiavelli is saying that to serve the people and the state well, a ruler must not restrict himself to conventional standards of morality. His use of immoral tactics in leadership would appear to be unpopu lar; however the acts of immorality have limitations and are done solely to avoid displeasing the masses or creating disorder. Therefore it is acceptable to practice immorality if it is done only to a small number of constituents, if it is not repeated, and if it is performed to please and benefit the public. It is these limitations that prove Machiavelli is arguing that the use of immoral tactics, to rule the people and in turn be ruled by the people, is needed. He suggests that if the majority of the population is unhappy with a leader, that particular leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rule would be in jeopardy, thus falling victim to popular rule.      The first justification for the use of immorality is that it is only practiced upon a small number of residents. Machiavelli summarizes that it is better for a ruler to be immoral to a few of his subjects and prevent disorder from spreading because disorder will damage the community as a whole more than it will damage a few individuals in isolated acts of immorality. The priority of the leader is to maintain order and act to prevent disorder because, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the whole community suffers if there are riots, while to maintain order the ruler only has to execute one or two individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (51). Citizens of a community would much rather live in a peaceful and orderly world which exemplifies how a ruler is actually a slave to the people. It... ...rder, brought unity and made the state as a whole law abiding and peaceful.      Overall Machiavellià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s perspective does seem harsh and cold at times, but he proves to be an avid supporter of popular rule throughout his writings. He believes in popular rule so strongly that he states it is acceptable to use immoral means to achieve a peaceful government. If the citizens are not happy and feel their ruler disregards their wishes then the populace could become enraged and therefore, the ruler would not be executing his power of indirect popular rule. Machiavelli states that in order to achieve the necessity of popular rule, a leader will have to step outside a moral sphere and do whatever it takes to achieve popular rule. Machiavelli puts clear and strict limits on acts of immorality in leadership. The use of immorality is only acceptable in order to achieve overall good for a government. Engaging in immorality for the sake of popular rule is justified because it is done to serve the people and the state successfully. Works Cited Machiavelli. Selected Political Writings. Trans: David Wooton. Indianapolis: Hackett,      1994.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Distracted While Driving
Distracted While Driving Virtually anyone who has a driver’s license has been introduced to the idea that distracted driving causes accidents. However, the consequences of distracted driving are far more than just predictable and often taken lightly. Predictable events can be avoided. Since these are predictable events they are preventable. The choices that drivers make affect more people than they may realize, thus making them responsible for the consequences that result from those choices.On a daily basis more than 15 American deaths and another 1,200 injuries are attributed to drivers that are distracted while driving on the very roads most of us use every day (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). Distractions can be controlled at a minimum by drivers that make the choice to drive responsibly. There are three types of distractions that have been labeled as the â€Å"triple threat†to driving; Visual distraction, manual distraction, and cognitive distraction ar e the makeup of this triple threat (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 6).Paying more attention to texting than to crossing the street or driving a car portrays a visual distraction that can result in dire consequences. Texting has proven to take at least part of the driver’s visual focus away from the task of driving in order to read or send a text message (Gardner, page 1). Contents of text messages usually require the driver’s visual focus, even if for just a few seconds. The visual awareness is negatively affected when this happens because the driver is no longer watching the road and cannot react to unforeseen events in a timely manner.Elevated risks of being in an accident that involves texting while driving presents a serious public safety hazard. â€Å"This problem may become more severe as more texting teens become licensed drivers, and more adults add text messaging to their battery of cell phone communication abilities†(Gardner, page 1). The mor e attention that is paid to texting means that more attention is being diverted from performing activities that require visual perception, and which can escalate to manual distractions (Gardner, page 3).One or both hands off the wheel of a car while driving is most often related to multi-tasking, and is considered a manual distraction that is categorized as a â€Å"preventable†contributor (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 6). Preventable driving behaviors that include dialing, talking and listening to cell phones contribute to road hazards at alarming rates. Delays in reacting to potential hazards while driving caused by preoccupations with mobile communications result in accidents that are often times more severe to the drivers and passengers involved in the accident.Additional contributing factors to manual distractions are the use of GPS navigation systems, eating, drinking, and bending down to grab something off of the floor or inside a handbag while driving. Mult i-tasking while driving is often dictated from our hectic lives at the cost of injury to ourselves or to others in correlation with both manual and cognitive distractions. Cognitive distractions occur when a driver’s mind is not focused on driving.Listening to a favorite radio station, talking to another passenger, and being preoccupied with issues pertaining to work or family formulate a distractive environment for a driver. Drivers who talk on cell phones are four times more likely to crash than non-distracted drivers (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). This means that driving while talking on a cell phone is as risky as driving while drunk. Cognitive overload is described as being out of sync with the rhythm of the road and the rhythm of talk (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7).There are five tips on how to avoid common driving distractions: turn off your cell phone, use a hands free device only in cases of emergency, make sure all passengers have a safety belt equipped, eat before or after you drive, and program your GPS before you leave your driveway or parking lot. If you have to deal with any of these or other issues while driving pull over to the side of the road to address the given situation. Following these steps can assist in preventing the loss of life due to distracted driving.The cognitive distractions caused by the use of mobile phones while driving usually cause vehicular accidents to be more severe, however there are steps that can be taken to improve both personal and public safety; it’s up to us to take those steps (Professional Safety, page 1). Visual, manual and cognitive distractions that occur simultaneously while driving are a recipe for vehicular related fatalities involving American teenagers, and often times unsuspecting victims as a result (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 6).Hand-held cell phones involve visual distraction while dialing, manual distraction while holding the phone, and cognitiv e distraction throughout the whole use of the device (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). Informing old drivers and introducing new drivers to the dangers of being distracted while driving may raise support in preventing the use of hand held devices while driving. If our society does nothing to stress the importance of awareness while driving, the fatality statistics will only become more severe each passing month.It can be very tempting to answer the cell phone, respond to a text message, reprogram the GPS, and perhaps even grab that bite to eat on the way to work but is the risk worth the cost? Resisting the temptation and focusing on the road will enable a driver to react to unexpected events and maybe avoid a collision with another unsuspecting driver. Personal responsibility ultimately is the solution to distracted driving and contributes to saving lives. â€Å"Just as it is no longer socially acceptable to drive without a seat belt, or drive drunk, it must no longer b e acceptable to text while driving†(Gardner, page 10).Driving is a demanding visual, manual, and cognitive activity that has no room for multi-tasking in it without risk to someone’s life or injury (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). References Distracted driving: Fast lane to disaster. (May 2012). Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 16(10), 6-7. Distracted Driving Problem Extends Beyond Texting. (February 2012). Professional Safety, 57(2), 24. Gardner, L. A. (November 2010). Wat 2 do abt txt’n & drv’n (aka: What to do about the problem of texting while driving? ). CPCU Ejournal, 63(11), 1-13.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Autistic Essay Example for College Students - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3122 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Education Essay Type Analytical essay Tags: Autism Essay Did you like this example? Challenges and Approaches Introduction In the modern age it is seen to be increasingly important that schools adopt inclusive education policies which support children, no matter what their individual needs (Department for Education and Skills: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 1999), in being able to attend their local school (Dash, 2006). Undoubtedly, there is still a good deal to be done to implement fully inclusive policies (Office for Standards in Education [Ofsted], 2004), although practitioners and educational establishments are much more aware of their responsibilities with regard to children who have special needs. The catalyst for this was the Every Child Matters initiative which emphasised the need for children to be taught skills which enabled them to remain healthy and safe, to be able to enjoy and achieve, to make an active, positive contribution and to be able to work towards being financially stable in their future lives (Department for Education and Skills [DfES], 2004a). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Autistic Essay Example for College Students" essay for you Create order This documentation, which culminated with the Childrens Act of 2004, built upon the work of the Warnock Report (1978) and the subsequent Education Acts of 1981 and 1996. These documents provided specific definitions of what it was to have special needs and allocated responsibilities to specific bodies within local authorities for the first time. It became apparent that it was essential to provide children, and indeed families, with the skills necessary for them to be able to succeed (Knowles, 2009) which involved the removal of any/all barriers to learning (Booth et al., 2000) through the provision of integrated services (DfES, 2004b). Critical to children being able to participate fully and to experience a degree of success (Mittler, 2000), is practitioners of awareness of their approaches towards teaching children and the creation of positive learning environments (Corbett, 2001) which will facilitate equal opportunities for all in their classroom (Department for Education and Skil ls (DfES): Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), 1999; Disability Discrimination Act, 2001; Disability Act, 2001). Although a good deal of progress has been made, there are still indications are that more needs to be done to facilitate the needs of individual children through personalising the curriculum for those who have special needs, particularly in the areas of literacy and key skills (Ofsted, 2004). Although it is acknowledged that all children, inclusive of those with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), must be afforded the opportunity to attend mainstream schools (Ainscow, 1997), there is a lack of recognition of the difficulties that practitioners face with regard to catering for the diverse needs of all children with whom they are faced in the classroom. This essay aims to highlight the needs and challenges of catering for those with ASD and discuss some of the strategies and approaches that are available for practitioners use in the classroom environment. Definition of Terms Autism has been described as a life-long disability which affects development which manifests in children during the first three years of their lives (Ritvo and Freeman, 1977), although for many their condition is not always immediately obvious, leading it to be referred to as a hidden disability (Rosenblatt, 2008). The root of the term is in the Greek autos or self and refers to the tendency for those who have the condition to isolate themselves from others and engage in self-centred thought processes (Volkmar and Klim, 2005). Its use was initiated by Bleuler, a Swiss psychologist, although the first descriptions of the condition were provided by Kanner (1943) and Asperger (1944). It was their opinion that the condition was present from birth, manifesting itself through characteristic problems such as difficulty with à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and repetitive behaviors (Autism Speaks, 2015a, para 1; endorsed by Frith, 2003; Evans et al. , 2001) for which Wing (1988) coined the term the Triad of Impairments. It was the work of Wing and Gould (1979) and Wing (1996) which was the foundation of looking at autism as a spectrum of disorders, as a result of children being found to have difficulties across a diverse range of skills including those of social interaction, communication and imagination. The publication of the DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2013) saw all autism disorders being merged intoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ one umbrella diagnosis of ASDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [whereas] previously, they were recognised as distinct subtypes, including autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) and Asperger syndrome (Autism Speaks, 2015a, para 1). Worth (2005) also highlights the fact that those with the condition can have an excellent rote memory, an over sensitivity to sensory stimulus, a lack of coordination and difficulties with mo tor development. Challenges One of the many challenges for ASD is its diagnosis, which necessitates the recognition of difficulties in each of the areas listed above. Worth (2005) makes the point that ASD is pervasive (it has an effect on all aspects of an individuals life), developmental (begins in infancy and affects every area of development) and it is lifelong. Research into the condition (Szatari, 2003) indicates that there are a variety of factors which could influence it, such as specific genes (Foster, 2007; Autism Speaks, 2015a) although it is recognised that there is no one, definitive cause. Since the latter part of the last century there have been increased numbers of individuals who have been diagnosed with ASD but it is a matter of debate as to whether this is the result of a greater breadth within its classification or increased awareness and willingness on the part of medical practitioners to make an early diagnosis (Powell et al., 2000). Another challenge which those with the condition face a re the misconceptions about how it can affect their lives. ASD can show itself in different ways some have learning issues whereas others display talents and gifts which can be utilised (Sicile-Kira, 2013); talents include à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ auditory memory, good procedural memory (that is, being able to picture how to do things), visual special understanding, and visual motor co-ordination (Siegel, 2003, p. 78). Autism Speaks (2015a) state that approximate 40% of those on the spectrum have average to above average intellectual ability, whilst others have significant issues which mean that they need to be supervised constantly. Currently, there is no medical test which can be used in order to diagnose autism, although specifically trained medical practitioners are able to conduct behavioural evaluations which are specific to autism. Typically, these are conducted with children below the age of three where children have been identified by parents and Early Years practitioners as lackin g in their development. However, some individuals who have ASD are only identified later in life as a result of learning, emotional and/or social issues (Autism Speaks, 2015b). Identification of the condition will enable practitioners to evaluate an individuals strengths and weaknesses (Cross, 2004), ideally at as early a stage as possible. Communication is vital to the development of children, which makes the identification of issues critical (Cross, 2004) to their overall well-being. It is important that practitioners gather detailed information about specific individuals as opposed to working with generic information (Brooks et al., 2004) with regard to ASD. Schools are able to utilise standard tests such as the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) to determine childrens general skill levels and verbal ability/performance, providing them with both information and insight into the issues which each child may face (Moore-Brown, 2 006;Wittemeyer et al., 2012). In addition, dynamic assessment is a useful tool in order to develop personalised learning packages and approaches which cater for the needs of specific individuals (Moore-Brown et al., 2006; Reid, 2003). These need to be planned and reviewed on a regular basis, involving practitioners, parents and the children themselves in line with the specifications laid down by the government (Department for Education, [DfE] 2012; DfE/Department of Health, 2014). Approaches The strategies and approaches that can be employed by educators can target specific characteristics within individuals or follow a range of options in order to address a number of issues in a fixed period, although it must be noted that there is no single accepted way to approach the issue of ASD. Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) is a method which concentrates on pupil behaviour; it can be described as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the science in which procedures derived from the principles of behaviour are systematically applied to a meaningful degree and to demonstrate experimentally that the procedures employed were responsible for the improvement in that behaviour (Hudson, 2003 in Ollendick and Schroeder, 2003, p. 36 paraphrasing Baer, Wolff and Risley, 1968). This psychological approach seeks to amend learning behaviour to overcome set behavioural habits (Wolpe, 1985) through observing behaviour (Bailey and Burch, 2002) and applying positive reinforcement (National Autistic Society, 2015) . Another method which makes use of behaviourist principles is that of Discrete Trial Training (DTT); it utilises a structured, routine forming approach to teaching and learning which allows learners to learn desired behaviour through following a distinct pattern in order to achieve their goals, even if stages needs to be repeated or there needs to be engagement with further trials in order to consolidate learning (Luiselli et al., 2008). It is important to both of these methods that parents also interact with their children, engaging in similar reinforcement routines at home, so that they are in receipt of consistent messages at the different environments in which they spend their lives. An interactive approach is also adopted in the Play Approach, which enhances development through play by focusing upon the improvement of thinking skills and communication using symbols, signs and gestures whilst simultaneously improving their interaction with others in a social situation (Roger s et al., 1986). A key worker is involved in building a relationship with individual children with this approach, which is similar to the way in which adults interact with children whilst utilising Communication Approaches such as the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). This particular system is designed in order to improve learners interaction with those around them (Bogdashina, 2005) through using cards rather than language in its initial stages to indicate what it is they wish to say. As they become more confident, they substitute the card for a verbal interaction, thus building up their confidence and competence in using language. Social stories also encourage interaction with those around them, whilst addressing social situations and conventions which learners find difficult (for example, the need to shut the door when they are using the toilet). These stories are designed to describe a situation using where, what and why sentences which provide clues as to the right responses in a given situation, while simultaneously describing the feelings and reactions of the various characters involved in the story, in order that those with ASD can appreciate different perspectives (Plimley and Bowen, 2007). These stories become increasingly complex as children gain in confidence, to the point where they engage with the writing of social stories, which further enhances their communication skills. Social skills can also be improved as a result of schools adopting a buddy system, which allows pupils to provide help for each other at particular times of the day which can prove problematic, such as before school, break and lunch times, during group work and in PE lessons (DfE, n.d.). Childrens behaviour in these situations and their approaches to others can be directly influenced as a result of their peers and practitioners approaching them in the correct way; for example, using simple language, being encouraging, talking directly with them, using diagrams a nd pictures to develop communication skills and utilising some form of home/school diary to aid communication between the school and parents/carers (DfE, n.d.). Learners ability to act appropriately in social situations is also improved by poor behaviour being challenged, and practitioners learning to identify triggers which are the catalyst for changes in behaviour. Learners also need to be provided with a means through which they are able to control their own behaviour; for example, utilising a coloured card in order to be able to take a timeout to calm themselves and through adopting set routines which make ASD children feel comfortable in their environment (DfE, n.d.). Conclusion Every person who has ASD is different and the way in which their condition manifests itself is different. This makes providing for their needs problematic for practitioners in the educational environment as a one size fits all approach will not provide them with opportunities for a truly inclusive education. It is evident that this creates enormous challenges for everyone involved in their education in a variety of different areas cognitive development, social development and social interaction are all key elements of childrens learning which must be addressed in a systematic and clear manner for those who are diagnosed as having ASD. This requires dedication and application from both practitioners and parents to ensure that the childrens needs are recognised in the first instance, and subsequently catered for through the careful design and implementation of strategies which will enable them to find a place within the school community and society as a whole. It is important that e veryone within the school environment/community is aware of the need to accept diversity in all its forms and that they are exposed to appropriate role models to demonstrate this attitude. This begins in classrooms, where teachers can foster tolerant attitudes towards those who experience difficulties and who are deemed to be different, and through a consistent application of the interventions that have been agreed with parents/carers and local authorities. References Ainscow, M. (1997) Towards Inclusive Schooling. British Journal of Special Education 24 (1), pp. 3 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 6 Autism Speaks (2015a) What is Autism? 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London: The National Autistic Society Siegel, B. (2003) Helping Children With Autism Learn: Treatment Approaches for Parents and Professionals: A Guide to Autistic Learning Disabilities and Finding the Right Method for Your Childs Learning Style. Oxford: Oxford University Press Sicile-Kira, C. (2013) Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Complete Guide. London: Random House Szatmari, P. (2003) The Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorders. British Medical Journal 326, pp. 173 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 174 Volkmar, F. R., Klin, A. (2005) Issues in the Classification of Autism and Related Conditions. in Volkma r, F. R., Paul, R., Klin, A., Cohen, D. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (3rd Ed) New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc pp. 5 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 41 Warnock Report (1978) Special Educational Needs: Report to the Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Handicapped Children and Young People. London: HMSO Wing, L. (1996) The Autistic Spectrum: A Guide for Parents and Professionals London: Constable Wing, L. (1988) The Continuum of Autistic Characteristics, in Schopler, E; Mesibov, G. B. (Eds) Diagnosis and Assessment in Autism New York: Plenum Press pp. 91 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 110 Wing, L., Gould, J. (1979) Severe Impairments of Social Interaction and associated abnormalities in children: epidemiology and classification Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 9, 1, pp. 11 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 29 Wittemeyer, K., Charman, T., Cusack, J., Guldberg, K., Hastings, R., Howlin, P., Macnab, N., Parsons, S., Pellicano, L., Slonims, V. (2011) Educational pr ovision and outcomes for people on the autistic spectrum. London: Autism Educational Trust Wolpe, J. (1982) The Practice of Behaviour Therapy. (3rd Ed) New York: Pergamon Worth, S. (2005) Autistic Spectrum Disorders. London: Continuum International Publishing Group
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