Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Problem Of Prison Overcrowding - 1395 Words
Criminal Justice Overview Paper Introduction One the most pressing concerns facing the criminal justice system is prison overcrowding. To examine a nation’s soul, all one has to do is look inside of its prisons. Even though we have 5 percent of the world’s population we have 25 percent of the world’s prison population. The makeup of our prison population range from first time drug offenders to serial killers. Prisons serve a necessary function in society if used properly to keep the worst of the worst of the streets. In the last 40 years prisons has become a hammer where every problem appears to be a nail. This paper will address the root causes of prison overcrowding and what we can do to fix this blight facing our society. Root Causes Over the past 40 years our prisons’ population has steadily increased and some will say that is a good thing. Here is a snapshot of where are today. According to Bureau of Justice Statistics (2014),†More than 1.57 million inmates sat behind bars in federal, state, and county prisons and jails around the country as of December 31, 2013†. According to Richard Rosenfeld a noted criminologist federal prison population as increased by 790 percent since 1980(Flatow, 2013). Over half of those who have been sentenced has been due to drug related crimes. Additionally across the south and southwest of our country 1 percent of the male population is in prison at any given time. When an adult age male is incarcerated that means there is a broken home,Show MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding1166 Words  | 5 PagesRealignment Prison overcrowding has always been a problem in California prisons. It has been growing over the year and has now lead the United States Supreme Court to take part in trying to find a solution to this problem. Because of this issue, Plata litigation came through and had a significant impact on the way we see community corrections. The ruling in the Plata litigation in turn lead to AB 109 or The Public Safety Realignment Act to be implemented as a solution to California’s growing problem of overcrowdingRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding1767 Words  | 8 PagesHave you ever noticed the serious issue of prison overcrowding? Growth of prison inmates over the years. Since the late 1900 s the prisons have been filling rapidly and that has caused a huge problems in the 2000 s. Overcrowding is not as easy of a fix that everyone thinks it is there is way more to it and it is way more complex. There are many reason that the inmate population continues to grow. Throughout th e years, there has been a huge debate on ways to lower crime rate so there won t be asRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding2447 Words  | 10 PagesPrison overcrowding is a major problem in our criminal justice system and it continues to be a hotly debated topic as to how we should address the problem. One of the main reasons our prison systems have a problem with overcrowding is drugs. More specifically, the war on drugs started by President Reagan in 1982 brought a dramatic increase to the number of people put behind bars for drug offences. Mandatory minimum sentencing and truth in sentencing are two policies which have sent drug offendersRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding1598 Words  | 7 Pagessolutions to the major problem of prison overcrowding and argue that the problem of prison overcrowding would not be ending anytime soon, due to the inadequate attempts by state governments to deal with the inhumane living conditions in overcrowded prisons. This articl e relates to the topic because the authors analyze how the federal government and some individual states, such as California and Florida, respond to the constrained resources causing unsuitable conditions in overfilled prisons. This source illuminatesRead MoreThe Overcrowding Problem in Prisons1800 Words  | 7 Pages The number of people held in prison facilities across the world is increasing at a tremendous rate with each passing day. This comprises both the people who have already been sentenced and those that are at the pre-trial stage. The effect of this is an increase in the prison population which leads to the problem of overcrowding (Atabay, 2013). Overcrowding in prisons can be defined as a situation where the number of prisoners in a given penal institution exceeds the official carrying capacityRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding880 Words  | 4 Pages. They get very limited space, making it easier to pass infections or diseases along each individual in the cell. The reason why there is a congestion in prisons is because to construct a cell is very expensive. Each cell in prisons cost about $75,000 to construct. According to the textbook, it would cost approximately 31 million dollars to build a medium security facility. The state tries to overcrowd prisoners in a cell to save money because cells are expensive to build, but on the long run theyRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding Essay1773 Words  | 8 Pagesthe 1980s, the California prison system and parolee population have grown tenfold. This is in great part due to the three strikes law that passed in 1994. This law made it a requirement for any offender convicted of a felony with two previous felonies to go to prison for a minimum of twenty five years. This law sent many people to prison for longer sentences due to non-violent drug offenses, when in actuality they should have been sentenced to rehab. Prison overcrowding is an important topic thatRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding1572 Words  | 7 Pagesthe past 30 odd years, California’s prison population has grown by 750 percent (â€Å"California’s Perpetuating Prison Crisis†). As this percentage perpetuates to make substantial gains, inmates are suffe ring in confinement cells, officials are negotiating over the issue, and the public is protesting to make their opinions count. The prison crisis has continued to grow over the years, causing a great uproar among all of California’s 32 state prisons. Prison overcrowding has been an increasingly vital issueRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding998 Words  | 4 PagesPrison overcrowding has been seen as an issue since the early 1990’s in California. It all began when California began to aggressively increased sentencing in the late 1980’s and 1990’s in response to a nationwide fear about crime rates. During this time period California â€Å"enacted more than 1,000 laws that increased sentencing in a five-year span to settle these fears†(Fuchs). The effect of these laws resulted in a high prison population when California prisons reached a number of 173,000 by 2007Read MorePrison Overcrowding Is A Serious Problem1448 Words  | 6 PagesPrison overcrowding is a result of the imprisonment of drug users and first time offenders of non-violent crimes. The number of people being incarcerated greatly outweighs the number of prisons across the country. Prison overcrowding is a serious problem beca use it can be dangerous to both prisoners and correction officers. When prisoners are forced to live in crowded situations, the possibility of violence is greater (Oliver 44). Issues such as assaults and rapes can occur when there is not
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Importance Of Friendships In George Orwells 1984
With the holidays approaching, many will gather with friends and loved ones in celebration. In addition to holiday celebrations, most global traditions and cultural norms are centered around relationships. Though relationships can cause both pleasure and dejection, they remain a vital part of human nature. Now imagine a world where these social connections are destroyed by government interference. Imagine that the government permeates every facet of human life. There would be no holiday celebrations surrounded by loved ones, no enjoying the company of family around the dinner table while sharing a meal. Day-to-day lives would be drastically altered. This realization is heightened when one is shown an oppressive government that inhibits†¦show more content†¦Orwell speaks to this issue to emphasize the importance of friendships. In addition to a deficiency in genuine friendships within Orwell’s 1984, family loyalty and dedication is scarce due to strict presence of an oppressive government. An accurate demonstration of this occurs during one of Winston’s flashbacks of his mother. After this memory, Winston â€Å"never saw his mother again†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , and, â€Å"this was already becoming normal at the time†(163). This statement represents the notion that even familial ties are not strong enough to withstand an overbearing government such as the one in the novel. Parent-child relationships are considered crucial to children’s development, and oftentimes a mother’s love for her children is considered one of the strongest forces of nature. Connections between parent and child are what separate humans from animals, and they give people an emotional intelligence. Repercussions of potential government strength and the dangers of such strength are highlighted when families are torn apart. Orwell gives a quintessential example of the ability of the government to destroy family bonds for their own benefit. Similarly, this same idea is prevalent when Winston finds Parsons in the Ministry of Love. Parsons had been arrested for thought-crime, and ironically he says, â€Å"It was my little daughter. Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh? I don’t bear her any grudge for it. In fact I’m proud of her†(232). ThisShow MoreRelated Geroge Orwell Essay1878 Words  | 8 Pagesindividual if he dares to rebel†(Lewis 13). George Orwell, the pseudonym for Eric Arthur Blair, depicted the importance of the individual in society and the danger of too much community in his literature. Through his personal experiences, however, he explored the ideas of socialism and was torn between the individual and community ideals. In his literature and his past, Orwell spoke against movements that remove the individual, but still emphasized the importance of community. Thus, he advocated a needRead MoreEssay on the Concept of Power1154 Words  | 5 Pagessomething in our minds t hat has the possession to control our influence. There are so many meanings behind this short yet ‘powerful’ word, such as that which is discussed in Orwell’s Animal Farm, and that which is part of human nature. To begin with, various resources provide different illustrations of power. Reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm, it gives us the view of power in a form of an animal representing us humans. A short summary of the book is that of how one animal, a pig, in the whole bunchRead More George Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London Essay1871 Words  | 8 PagesGeorge Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London Days without food, nights without shelter and clothes without buttons are reality for homeless people around the world. Many are incapable of escaping their poverty and can not seem to find a way out of their bleak oppression. The few that do escape often help each other find a way to make their lives better and do not forget how to maintain friendships. George Orwell’s novel, Down and Out in Paris and London, displays the ability of those inRead MoreLoyalty, By George Orwell1130 Words  | 5 PagesLoyalty Questioned, and Humanity Revealed Loyalty is a bond a mutual trust, the most personal and sacred bond in human history. You must have loyalty before you can have friendship, or love. Loyalty means someone can count on you, someone can trust you to be there when in need. Loyalty is a major theme of George Orwell’s novel 1984. In a totalitarian world where loyalty, love, and any other personal feelings are outlawed by the vicious â€Å"Party,†some are still trying to find the strength to rebel. WinstonRead More George Orwell Essay2106 Words  | 9 PagesGeorge Orwell Eric Arthur Blair was born in 1903 at Motihari in British-occupied India. While growing up, he attended private schools in Sussex, Wellington and Eaton. He worked at the Imperial Indian Police until 1927 when he went to London to study the poverty stricken. He then moved to Paris where he wrote two lost novels. After he moved back to England he wrote Down and Out in Paris and London, Burmese Days, A Clergyman’s Daughter and Keep the Apidistra Flying. He published all four underRead MoreA Passage to India and Burmese Days Essays1880 Words  | 8 PagesThroughout the novel A Passage to India, by E.M. Forster, and Burmese Days, by George Orwell, the authors use race, culture, economics, and liberal humanism to discuss various colonial issues. These issues include controversies, power structures, injustices, and the idea of syncretism between the colonizers and the colonized. 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The three slogans of the party are â€Å"WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH†, (Orwell, 7). At first glance, these slogans would appear absurd but after further investigation they ironically couldn’t be more true. War is Peace means that while the country is at war the people’s attention is diverted from seeing the corruption of the government. Nobody rebels against the government because they
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Organisational Theory and Behaviour Performance
Question: Discuss about the Organisational Theory and Behaviour Performance. Answer: Introduction: The argument outlines the factor that the motivation is an integral part of maintaining effective employment relations in the organization. There are two types of rewards that can be given to the employees, one is financial and other is non financial rewards to motivate them to perform better in the organization. The organization has their expectations from the each employee. This essay will help to explain all the pros and cons of giving the incentives to the employees in the organization. Also, this essay states about the theories of motivation to evaluate the need of the people and the job satisfaction criteria. Some of the steps can be taken to save the employees from de-motivation. The discrimination may occur if the preference is given to one employee in comparison to the other employees. To meet the goals of the organization, it is very important to analyze the behavior of the employee in the organization. Organizational behavior is basically a process of determining the groups and individual activities in the organization where the employees are working. The Organization behavior is important because all the people, employees and organizations care about it. The organizational behavior matters to engage the employees in the organization goal setting. It promotes the employee relationship and that consequently provides motivation for the employees. The main aim of this approach is to make employees more special and important by involving them into the decision making process to know about their ideas and if these opinions are implemented or supported by the management, then it will be a great source of encouragement for the employees (Baijumon, 2015). There are many challenges faced by the organization that creates problems for the organizational behavior to determin e the needs and working activities of the employees. These challenges include many ethical concerns, environmental factors and technology etc. Talking about the Rewards, some people in the organization are motivated by the financial rewards whereas some of the employees need non-monetary incentives. Thus, it is very essential to determine in what way an employee is motivated. Monetary rewards motivate a huge number of employees in the organization. The organization distributed its profits among the employees working so that they work effectively and efficiently. There are many organizations that have the policy to give bonuses to their employees after every year, six months or even after 3 months and it is totally based on the organization size (Schmitz, 2012). The monetary rewards are in the form of bonuses, increments every year, promotion, increase in the salary etc. some of the employees are also motivated by the means of allowances, remuneration, family insurance and other perks. So the funds like provident fund for the employees should be maintained. Apart from the Monetary rewards, there are employees who do not work for the money or financial rewards as they require non-monetary incentives like performance appraisal, appreciation in front of the organization, gift cards or trophies for the best performance in the organization. The organization needs to organize various employee recognition events to appreciate the employees who performed well in the previous years. Every employee in the organization wants appraisal to work more hard. Some of the organization announced an employee of the month to know the employees that they are very significant for the profitability of the organization. These types of ideas are found very effective for the organization as it is very simple, saving the time and cost of the organization (Team, 2012). The numbers of the non monetary incentives that can be given to the employees to motivate them are: - Monthly, half yearly and yearly conduction of the programs of Employee recognition. Appraisal in front of the other employees of whole organization will lead to the better productivity by all the employees. Gift cards and vouchers for the employees as token of appreciation. Displaying the name of the best employee on the board every month to create a feeling of importance in their hearts and they will work more, to get recognition. The engagement of staff is very important as to increase the productivity and the employee engagement follows some steps like to prepare, include, communicate and then clarify. It is very important that, first of all the employees should be prepared with some ideas or opinions in his mind as the top management will require their participation. Next is to include all the employees in work to achieve the goal of the company. Communication about the information is important to take best decisions and to judge the best performance of the employees. The Clarity of ideas is important that all employees are in the knowledge of needs and interests of the management (Burton, 2012). Each employee must understand their functions and expected results and how they will be measured. The engagement of staff in the organization yields to more results and enhances the team work to work together in a harmony. The Employees are the best tool for taking the right decisions for the company. The incentives are given to all the best performer employees in the organization and that engagement of staff in the work will lead to the innovation of new ideas in the welfare of the organ ization so its better to make the part of the decision making process. The employee engagement in the work will lowers the absenteeism and improves the productivity and morale of the organization. The employee will not leave the organization if the proper incentives and appreciation is given to them so these incentives enhance the employee retention in the organization (Dobre, 2013). Organizational behavior is the process by the means to determine and analyze the needs of employees and different ways to satisfy their needs. Before offering any incentives to the employees, it is very important to analyze the organizational need of the employees. After examining the needs of the workers organization should offer the rewards and encouragement accordingly. In the organizational behavior concepts, there are many theories introduced by the different people. Maslow's hierarchy theory introduce the five levels of needs and the lower level is physiological needs which involves all the basic needs like food, shelter and clothing and these needs are very important to fulfill for the survival. Anothertype of need is safety needs like job security and then comes the emotional need of the people that may include families, friends and affection etc. The esteem needs represent the respect, trust, confidence and achievements. The last one need is about creativity, acceptance of i deas etc. According to Maslow the basic needs must be satisfied only after than the self actualization needs fulfilled (Ganta, 2014). The next theory is introduced by Herzbergs which is a theory of motivation. Herzberg theoryhelps in examining the ways to satisfy people and what not satisfy the people. It is an obvious thing that the source of motivation is not the same as the source of de-motivation. According this theory the factors that motivate the employees of the organization are the motivators and the things which de-motivate the employees refer to as the hygiene factors. Equity theory was established by John Stacey Adams that focus on the fact that every employee in the organization should be considered equal and no biasness among the people occurs because giving the importance to one employee in the organization and avoiding the other employees can de motivate the others. For example, Incentive is offered to one employee in the organization for the best performance but no rewards for the similar performance by the other employee. This is highly de-motivation for the employee and it may lead to give the res ignation by the employee itself. The conflict occurs between the employee and the superior managers of the organization (Sager, 2011). Furthermore, these types of incentives will in the favor of the organization or it may possible that these have a negative impact on the organization performance. There are both pros and cons of motivating the employees by providing the incentives and rewards. The positive effects of these incentives on the organization are like the most important advantage of offering incentives to employees is that employee feels motivated towards the work in the organization and they will work hard to get the motivation again and again. The employee will not leave the organization if the proper incentives and appreciation is given to them so these incentives enhance the employee retention in the organization. Non-monetary incentives save the costs as appreciation and recognition involve no expense (Johnson, 1997). These help in improving the attitude of the employees in the organization. The employees in the organization are much more satisfied in job by receiving increments or bonuses and these h elps them to work harder. The employees of the organization will be goal oriented if financial incentive is given for achieving its targets. Moreover, the incentives and appreciation creates a positive environment for the employees as a result of which it increases the morale of the organization. The loyalty of employees and the organization is something that can buy with money, but employee incentive programs help to make good loyal relations between company and employees. If an employee is motivated and appreciated and employee understands the fact that how important they are for the organization, it will be more likely that they will come up for the company which will automatically reduce the absenteeism of the employees (Kuranchie-Mensah Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016). Furthermore, Team Work is promoted as all the employees collectively motivated to work together to achieve the goals and teamwork leads to efficiency. Also, it is beneficial in reducing the turnover of the organization b ecause the company needs not to hire new employees in the organization. The organization focuses to retain the loyal employees. The drawbacks of the application of the reward system in the organization are shown below: Employee recognition programs and events involve huge expenditure and great efforts and time. The conflict because of the discrimination may occur, if the preference is given to only employee in comparison to the other employee. The conflict between employee and top management is harmful for the success of the company (Shanks, 2011). The employees may leave the organization if they were de-motivated by the discrimination Monetary incentives increase the cost of the organization. The needs of the people are changing on a regular basis and so its recommended to determine the demands of the employees by using several methods. The methods used to analyze the demand of the employees are questionnaires, surveys, interviews etc. This analysis of the employee's demand is only possible by the trained people and experienced management staff. The data is collected by using these methods and then motivate the employees on the basis of their needs and satisfaction level. The organization needs to organize various employee recognition events to appreciate the employees who performed well in the previous years. Every employee in the organization wants appraisal to work more hard. Some of the organization announced employee of the month to know the employees that they are very significant for the profitability of the organization. Suppose the organization offer a non monetary incentive to company employee, but that employee was expecting some monetary or financial reward. This will spoil the main aim of providing the incentives. This is the reason that the company should know what their employees actually want. Only then the various tactics are to be used by the organization to motivate their employees. Motivation is basically inducing the employees to work. It is clear that the manager of the organization is responsible for maintaining the rules and balance in the employee and the organization. The rules made by the company should be simple and justifiable to the workforce. The leaders or the supervisor in the company should be very talented and is capable of handling the team of employees. The managers or superiors should not need to be strict because it may be difficult for the workers to work under pressure. The employees in the organization always work in the positive environment for better results. To motivate the employees more, the management should promote the involvement of the employees in the decision making of the organization (Kuranchie-Mensah Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016). The people or the employees feel highly motivated and special to be the integral part of the organization. Management needs to work in the team. The managers should do the planning and research work to deal with the different situations. The research involves the surveys to maintain the proper data and to analyze the results. The managers should apply the programs in every aspectto make the workplace problem free and all the employees work in a team to get the better results. The training of employees is important to work with diversity because it will help them in adapting the people of different cultures. The one who supervises along with the manager must be honest and work for the profits of the organization and talent management. As we know that the leaders and managers maintain a good relationship with the people so that they come to know about the exact problems and find out the solutions accordingly. The employees have the great zeal and enthusiasm towards their work in the organization. The HR personnel should be honest with the employees to convey the rules and policies of the organization clearly. An employee is an asset to the organization and the organization need to maintain that asset with motivation and financial support (Dobre, 2013).A satisfied employee is one who knows his importance and values and company need to put his efforts to retain the loyal and experienced employees by solving their problems and fulfilling their needs. The motivation and reward strategy are the best techniques to achieve the goals of the company. Basically, it is a two way strategy because both management and employees are accountable to work together with each other and maintains harmony at the workplace. It is concluded from the argument that the employees need to express about their likings and disliking about the management. By doing this, the employees of the company make good relationship with the management and also improves the working environment of the organization. Thus the reward strategy is the best strategy to motivate the employees. The employee job satisfaction is very important if the company is providing good amount of incentives to their employees. However, there are many companies who introduce a suggestion box to know about the drawbacks and issues related to the management from the subordinates. References Baijumon, P., 2015. Organisational theory and behaviour, Available at: Burton, K., 2012. A Study of Motivation: How to Get Your Employees Moving, Available at: Dobre, O., 2013. Employee motivation and organizational performance, Available at: Ganta, V., 2014. Motivation in the workplace to improve the employee performance. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, November, 2(6), pp. 1-10. Johnson, C., 1997. Employee motivation: A comparison of tipped and non-tipped hourly restaurant employees, Available at: Kuranchie-Mensah, E. Amponsah-Tawiah, K., 2016. Employee Motivation and Work Performance: A Comparative Study. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 9(2), pp. 255-309. Sager, D., 2011. Leadership and Employee Motivation, Available at: Schmitz, A., 2012. An Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Available at: Shanks, N., 2011. Management and motivation: Jones and Bartlett publishers, Available at: Team, M. C., 2012. Motivation and its theories, Available at:
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Dracula by Bram Stoker Essay Example For Students
Dracula by Bram Stoker Essay Both these novels are typically gothic horror and share those typical characteristics. Gothic horror is a type of text most popular between 1760-1028 (when both texts where written. ) Its popularity has had a considerable influence in fictional, novels short stories and films of this period. Both texts I have been analysing share characteristics of a gothic horror genre. Both novels use characteristics such as science, religion, superstition/ supernatural, punctuation and the Gothic Horror. Shelley and Stoker wrote their novels in the nineteenth century, a century full of people who seemed to have been obsessed with the Gothic tradition and the supernatural. Many authors were inspired to write great horror stories during this time, so the Gothic tradition is reflected in their work and used as a device to build tension, suspense and fear within the readers mind. Both texts share similar and different characteristics of the gothic horror genre. As with all horror stories there is a degree of superstition and the supernatural. This is not a major feature within Frankenstein, but Shelley does suggest things through symbolism. When Frankenstein first gets the idea of toying with nature, Shelley indicates the consequences of this. Frankenstein thus witnesses, . a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed symbolising his future, a moral statement, showing that although you are able to create life through electricity and science, it is equally as easy to destroy it by the same means His thoughts of reincarnation are developed, and so his life shall be destroyed. Draculas roots lie in superstition and the supernatural. Within chapter one of the novel, Jonathan notices blue flames on both sides of the coach. It is indicated that the flames are what is known as the will-o-the-wisp. Superstition shows that a will-o-the-wisp usually appears on burial mounds. The number of blue flames increase as the coach draws closer to Castle Dracula, suggesting that something is going to happen when Jonathan reaches the castle. Many Gothic descriptions and ideas are expressed vividly within chapter one of Dracula. As Jonathan travels towards Castle Dracula, there are many descriptions of the surrounding countryside. The countryside is seen by Jonathan as being, deep blue and purple in the shadows and an endless perspective of jagged rock and pointed crags. This is a device used in order to suggest what is to happen later on. Gothic novelists, often to suggest darkness and death, mainly use the colours of blue and purple. When Jonathan first meets Dracula at his castle he describes his hand as more like the hand of a dead than a living man. This is arguably an example of dramatic irony because the reader, unlike Jonathan, is aware that Dracula is deceased and in a state of living dead. Jonathan fleeing from the place shows his fear therefore reflecting fear to the reader.
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