Saturday, August 31, 2019
Discussion topic
I really appreciate the way you listed the steps in selecting random samples. I did not come across any steps or rules to obtain a simple random sample. The lottery Is a form of simple sampling. It does not use any method to select numbers other than the population number set. Consecutive numbers can be drawn or number far apart from each other. I would like to know more about the difference between the type of random sampling used in lottery draws versus the sampling method steps you scribed.The only type of selection process in the text book definition states simple random sampling uses selection of elements from the selection frame (Burns, 2011). References Burns, N.. Grove, S. K. , & Gray. J. (2011). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier/Saunders. Your post brings up the very important fact that the sample size need to be large enough to represent the target population (Ramsey, 2011).Target population size eyeing too s mall is a common problem with random sampling as you have described with Autism ratios. If there were more states Involved with the CDC Autism survey, the results may differ. The question or research being done may not need a large population as well. Random sampling need to have a large enough size, must represent the target population and must truly be random (Ramsey, 2011 Ramsey, D. J. (2011). Statistics for dummies. Hoboken, N. J: Wiley.Cluster sampling Is a productive way to obtain random sampling of a very large population. National restaurant chains test new menu items In this way. When I lived in Ohio, it was a big test market area. Supposedly the population of Ohio was thought to be representative of Midwestern people. Area restaurants such as McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Domino's introduced new menu items in this area to survey their popularity. I do not know what type of demographic data was used to determine that Ohio residents were representative of the Midwestern populat ion.It was nice to get to try the new menu Items before the rest of the country. The first McDonald's salads and Domino's try at breakfast pizzas were yummy. The Taco Bell French fries didn't make it. This was a good example of being part of a large cluster sampling process without ever knowing it. I think you covered all the different types of sampling very thoroughly. I am not sure the term census Is a type of random sampling. Census Is usually a method of attempting to collect date from an entire population (Ramsey, 2011).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ethnic Literature and Postcolonialism In Barta’s “Gadis Tangsiâ€Â
The definition of ethnic literature â€Å"is literature like any other, except that it contains ethnic references.†(Reilly p.2). Another definition of ethnic literature is when there is a literature work that contain religious beliefs, racial issues, linguistics, or cultural heritage. In another word, ethnic literature is the literary work that includes particular culture, beliefs, or linguistics distinction. Postcolonial literary theory draws attention in the issue of cultural difference emerging in the society.One of the issues which may often appear during the class discussion is hybridity. It seems that people who have been faced by the fact that they are living in a ‘hybrid world’ tend to be confused by their real status. They realize for their interest, but they can not avoid the possibility becoming ‘in between’. Although , they are included into one part, the native part, but on the other hand they can not deny the deep feeling to be pleasant considering themselves different with the other. There is a kind of more value they have compared with their surround, and they think it is worthy to be kept. Of course, this feeling comes into their mind by some reasons.There must be an additional value added into their original culture. The additional value may be in the form of a new ideology, belief or view which are brought by the dominating. The dominated rarely conscious with the impact. They usually only feel that it is a natural process which become the impact of daily social interaction they are engaged in. Another issue which emerges in postcolonial discussion is about dominated-dominating one. We can not expect who actually take the role as ‘dominating’ or ‘dominated’.The practice may turn over, the dominated may become the dominating in the same time toward different object, vice versa. We are also introduced by ‘Otherness’ theory. It makes someone consider that she or he are diff erent from the other, and other people is not the same with her or him. Gadis Tangsi tells a story about a girl life, namely Teyi. She is a Javanese girl who grew up in the Javanese tradition. She lives with his parents and sibling in tangsi area. She was taught to become an obedient girl by her mother with many limitations as a girl. She helps her mother to sell fried bananas every day.Teyi finds herself limited by some rules which are considered as the right rules for her mother. She even does not know how ‘love’ or how to be ‘loved’ by a man. She was taught to be a polite woman. She finally finds who she is when she is introduced to Putri Parasi by Ndara Tuan Kapten Sarjubehi who has helped her. That is the beginning of her new experience to recognize a new world, the world that she has never imagined before. Putri Parasi teaches her everything to be ‘a good lady’. Putri Parasi likes Teyi for her politeness. She more likes Teyi after bein g saved when her disease comes immediately. Putri Parasi expects to teach her how to behave well.She even teaches Teyi to speak Dutch. Teyi starts to be able to read and write. Putri Parasi really wants to prepare her to be taken to Surakarta Keraton and introduced her to a man who will be married with her. She plans to make Teyi deserve to have a husband from Keraton families. In the novel Gadis Tangsi written by Suparto Brata, we can see some unexpected phenomenon occur. It makes me realize that actually there are still many things covered even by what Javanese people considered as ‘budaya adiluhung’.The word ‘politeness’, ‘hospitality’ and ‘dignity’ which come into people mind when they heard about Javanese culture become blur after they read this novel. Javanese woman who is considered as an obedient woman and become a mercy for whom takes her as a wife may be surprised by what Suparto tells about Teyi and Dumilah. He brings th em in this novel as representative of Javanese woman character, in different point of view. However, the story about them, for me, is far from the stereotype of common Javanese women (may be just a few). The feeling of ‘in between’ seem to be experienced by Teyi. She starts to know about how the way the higher status people behave since she meets Putri Parasi.Teyi realizes that her life style is quite different from her, and she is glad when she knows that Putri Parasi does not mind introducing this new culture to her. From this intentional interaction, after she is taught how to behave like ‘putri bangsawan’, Teyi starts to consider she has a chance to be the same with them. Even she lives with her parents, she starts to consider that she is better than them. She has been raised from the lower part. She has more power than the people in the house. The very obvious impact of this teaching actually appears when Teyi has been left by Putri Parasi. After she p assed away, Teyi become independent from the influence of Putri Parasi.Although, there are still some traces of her teaching inside Teyi which reflect in the way she behaves. She seems take the dominating position over her husband, Sapardal. Sapardal feeling about his lower position when they have been married becomes the cause of the divorce. Only two days of marriage, and Teyi considers that she has a right to sue divorce, while Sapardal can only keep silent without any comment. In this relationship, Sapardal as a man who actually considered as ‘the dominating’ take the role as ‘the dominated’. He does not feel on the same level with Teyi. He admits that he has no power compared to Teyi. He even has no courage to touch her in their first night of marriage.Here, we can see the role between man and woman has shifted. Brata seems to show us that the role of people in the society is like running on the moving wheel. The dominating and dominated are only a symbol of someone position, which also can be shifted based on where we are standing. Sapardal may fail in maintaining his position as superior in front of Teyi. The cultural change also appears in this novel. Sexual intercourse is not considered as a sacral any longer for almost all the women in this novel. During my reading, I wonder if I read Indonesian culture literary work, especially belong to Javanese one.However, Brata wrote the novel using the Indonesian condition in the past, in the colonial occupation. In this situation, it is not easy to determine which one who still hold the original value since the influence of other ideology come into the life in that simple way. The force of a new ideology input is not directly felt in this novel. The indigenous people enjoy the acculturation between the dominated and the dominating. It also happens in the shifting of the way they see sexual intercourse actually is. What we call as a taboo becomes commonly conducted by the people. Te yi is defined as a free woman, even she has been married and becomes a wife of Sapardal, and she breaks the rule by having intercourse with Ndara Tuan Kapten Sarjubehi.It seems that she wants to take a revenge to Dumilah who is considered had cheated her by having romantic affair with her master. Sapardal can not do anything. He has failed to become a good husband. This thinking is from his own side. When we look at this phenomenon, again, Teyi proves that she has had a power over a man from her own society. She starts to have a right to consider a man like Sapardal is not at the same level with her. However, in my opinion it will not happen if Sapardal never has the way of thinking. Actually, he has thought that she is great and different from the other woman in his environment before they are married. That makes he has no courage to touch her at their first night.It also makes Teyi feels not being regarding or respecting as a wife. She thinks that Sapardal has no desire toward her, and she thinks that it is better to ask divorce. What a short way of thinking! I found that Teyi has put a wrong way of thinking about what Putri Parasi had taught to her. It seems that she does not consider marriage as a sacral relationship any longer. ‘Love’ relationship has been considered as a ‘real’ relationship when we have passion to have sex with our couple. Is that so simple? That is the way Teyi think about love basically. It is shown also when she does not mind to have sex with her ex-master, Ndara Tuan Kapten Sarjubehi, and then she starts to love someone else, Ndara Mas Kus.There is no any guilty feeling. Finally, we can conclude that there are three aspect of postcolonial reading for Gadis Tangsi has been discussed above. First, hybridity appears when Teyi finds herself has involved and being a part of Putri Parasi’s society, Keraton environment since she has been able to behave and speak like her, so she considers that she is a pa rt of Putri community. While she has that feeling, she still can not avoid other people consideration about her who is only becoming a servant and will not become like them. Second, dominating feeling toward Sapardal comes into her mind. There is dominating-dominated in shifting model between them. It seems a denial for a man who usually considered as the dominating one, while Teyi proves that it can be shifted. Last, ‘Otherness’ theory also emerges in this novel.After having taught to have attitude and behave like Putri Parasi model, Teyi finally considers herself different with other woman in her society. It appears in the way she treats Dumilah who is her old friend. She thinks that Dumilah has no right to become ‘a munci’ of Ndara Tuan Kapten Sarjubehi because she is not at the same level with her or Ndara.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Multinationals-Exploiting attributes of different locations Essay
Multinationals-Exploiting attributes of different locations - Essay Example Foreign Direct Investment in many developing countries have stunted the growth of indigenous industries and also resulted in large scale exploitation of the resources of that particular region. Political Economy-cases and methods of multinational exploitation Multinational companies principally exploit the attributes of different locations either by following labour laws that do not reflect the current sentiment in the market or by monopolising the market in such a way that competition from the native country is slowly relegated. Unfair practices in cahoots with the government also result in large scale exploitation of natural resources. Some of the cases and theories of exploitation by multinationals have been discussed. 1. One case study of the garment industry from around the world is carried out to ascertain the working conditions of those employed in this industry. The industrial term for such factories are ‘sweatshops’ which employ workers at low wages and force th em to work in unhygienic conditions for a long period of time. It is said that the garment industry in Central America employs 80% women between the age group of 14-26. At Doall, a Korean company operating in El Salvador that makes the famous LizWear and Liz Claiborne fashions; women are made to work from 6.50 am to 10.30 pm with two half hour breaks, one for lunch and the other for dinner. (VIDEA, 2000 ) In the rush hour months they have to work for 7 days week clocking roughly 90 hours. To prevent them from sleeping, the company also encourages them to take a ‘No Doze’ pill which is a highly unethical practice. For the first eight hours these workers are paid 60 cents an hour and 1.20 dollars per hour as overtime. To sum up a worker would be paid 8.40 dollars for an arduous 11 hour shift which is considered far below the minimum wage requirement. (VIDEA, 2000) The Liz Claiborne collection is, however, marketed as very modern, fashionable and sophisticated dress around the world. However if indications are to show the working conditions at the Doall factory in El Salvador is anything but sophisticated. Apart from low wages, the working conditions are pathetic. Air that is full of dust and lint cause breathing problems, skin rashes and other kind of allergies. Bathroom breaks are limited and workers are obligated to work overtime. Failure to adhere to these norms results in suspension or withholding of ‘attendance’ bonuses. Apart from these excesses, new workers are forced to take blood and pregnancy tests to prevent employing pregnant women. Women in the ironing and cleaning sections are forced to stand all day causing inflammation in the feet and working ambience is especially unpleasant with supervisors yelling at them for not being able to meet targets. (VIDEA, 2000) Employers know that any kind of trade unionism with the nature of work involved would cause severe problems for the company. Hence any kind of activity to that effect either by way of organization or by distributing trade union literature is considered subversive. Studies carried out by National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice Workers in factories of Lavapant, Vaqueros and Cantabria indicate that workers were not paid overtime even though they had worked over 60 hours. This is in violation to the Mexican
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Term paper that present the knowledge and depth you obtained in this Essay
Term paper that present the knowledge and depth you obtained in this class. The paper can be from any topic discussed or not in - Essay Example Definition Cushing’s Syndrome is a disorder involving the hormones and is particularly caused by an abnormal increase in the amount of the hormone cortisol or other glucocorticoid hormones in the blood (Nieman et al., 2008). In the case of an overactive immune system, glucocorticoids usually turn down the inflammation system as a sort of negative feedback mechanism. However, if there is too much production of glucocorticoids, especially cortisol, in the blood, then the entire immune system might be turned down, thus leading to a variety of numerous physiological disturbances known as Cushing’s syndrome (Nieman et al., 2008). Causes The main cause of Cushing’s syndrome is the overproduction of adenocorticotropic hormone, or ACTH, by the pituitary gland, which is usually known as Cushing’s Disease. Another cause is an adrenal gland tumor that usually occurs among women over 40 years of age. A third cause is a tumor somewhere in the body which either produces too much cortisol or causes its production, such as tumors in the pancreas, lungs or thyroid that oversecrete ACTH (Nieman et al., 2008). ... However, the most initial step for Cushing’s syndrome is the ACTH stimulating the adrenal glands for the production of cortisol (Blevins, 2002). Symptoms Cushing’s Syndrome is characterized by â€Å"reddish purple striae, plethora, proximal muscle weakness, bruising with no obvious trauma, as well as unexplained osteoporosis†(Nieman et al., 2008). Other symptoms of the disease include â€Å"obesity, depression, diabetes, hypertension, or menstrual irregularity†(Nieman et al., 2008). If Cushing’s Syndrome affects the higher brain centers in the case of complications, it may cause anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, alcoholism and diabetes. Other more noticeable symptoms include obesity of the upper torso coupled with disproportionately thin limbs, a round and red face with characterized fullness, and acne or certain other skin infections. The less common symptoms include a buffalo hump, backache, tenderness and pain of the bones, rib and spine fractures, weak muscles, excessive hair growth in the woman, impotence and lack of sexual desire in men, and certain headache, tiredness and feelings of thirst and hunger (Nieman et al., 2008). Treatment The treatment of choice is surgical removal of the tumor. This should be followed by treatment with hydrocortisone or hydrocortisone replacement therapy because cortisol levels will go down fast once the tumor is removed. Moreover, in the case of patients with malignant adrenal cortical neoplasm, the treatment of choice must be open adrenalectomy (Thomson et al., 2010). Through an MRI scan, cases of mediastinal masses that intertwine with the heart nerves must be done with extreme care so as not to injure such a delicate organ. Moreover, CT-guided coaxial core biopsy to investigate whether it is
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Challenges of International Banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Challenges of International Banks - Essay Example Banks have been in competition and have been making efforts to become larger either by organic growth or by mergers and acquisitions and international banking have largely become associated with thinking big with an Economist survey analyzing how size of banks matter although banks go through various structural and functional changes and with their shifting shapes and sizes, the volatility of banks may be a factor in winning markets and market share (Economist, 2006). Ten commercial banks in America control 49% of the country's banking assets and mergers have been the buzz word in the US with removal of barriers between banks and insurance companies. Using strategy as the relevant point of discussion here, I will suggest how strategy focused on matching an organization's assets and capabilities with the external relationships and environment. Here the course models from B820 and concepts could be used to show how by placing strategy at the centre of analysis a clear relationship coul d be drawn between banks/financial organisations and the external environment. The questions of size and ownership have been taken by the Economist survey to suggest that big banks tend to get bigger with mergers, acquisitions and organic growth. However it is worthwhile to ask what are the limitations to this process, and big banks tend to have bigger shares in the market and commercial banking around the world remain preoccupied with matters of size and ownership. The Economist article referred here asks whether the future bank is expected to be ten times bigger than HSBC or the Citibank. However some of the recent bank mergers in the financial environment have destroyed shareholder value and usually the medium sized banks are prized highly by stock markets. Procurement, systems, operations, research and marketing are some of the areas on which the banking industry seems to depend on (Economist, 2006). However when diseconomies of scale creep in, there are also concealed risks and failure of internal controls, however related lines of business can create opp ortunities for each other. Usually banking companies are affected by external environment to the extent that the global economy calls for merger and acquisitions to help the bank gain a larger size in the market. This all relate to the B820 models and theories studied. Survival and prosperity depend on the solutions to questions such as: which products or services to offer; whether to pursue single or multiple lines of business; which markets or clients to aim for; whether to limit activities to local markets or expand internationally; how to acquire appropriate technologies, knowledge, finance and human resources; and which skills and capabilities to develop that will be relevant to your competitive strengths now and in the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Social Media and Employment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Social Media and Employment - Research Paper Example Instead of using social networks as a mere communication channel, people started to exploit it in different ways. For example, employers are using social networks nowadays, to identify potential candidates for the vacancies in their organizations. Recruitment through social networks is the cheapest and quickest way of filling vacancies in an organization. This paper analyses various ways through which social networks can be used for the recruitment process and also the advantages and disadvantages in using social networks for the recruitment process. Definition: Social Networking â€Å"Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision. When it comes to online social networking, websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites†(What is social networking, 2011). Social sites help to build an online community in the virtual world to function like a social community in the real worl d. Online community can accommodate people from distant parts of the world irrespective of their cast, age, race, gender or religion. Background: Social Networking & Employment Just like alcohol or drug addiction, social media or social networking is a kind of addiction to most of the people in the current generation. Majority of the people who know something about computers and internet may have accounts in social media networks to communicate with their friends and relatives and also to express their views to the external world. The capabilities or potentials of social media networks are increasing day by day. Earlier, people used it for sharing photos, videos, music and opinions; however at present social media networks have been used for many other purposes. For example, leaders of the ongoing struggle against corruption in India have used social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook extensively to gather support for their agitations against corruption. Identification of t alents or recruitment process is another area in which social networks started to show its potentials. Since people reveal their qualifications and experiences in their profile, it is easy for the employers to search through databases of social networks and identify the talents they are looking for. Since social networks provide a platform for people to express themselves or to express their views, employers can easily identify whether a person is suitable or not for their organization. Even though social networks provide immense advantages both to the employers and the job seekers, employers may face lot of disadvantages also while using social networks for recruitment purposes. It is not necessary that people always provide details about their actual qualifications and experiences in their profile in social networks. In many cases, people provide exaggerated claims about their qualifications and experiences in their social network profiles in order to attract others and the employ ers may not get the actual information about a person while using social networks for recruitment process. Some of the social websites like LinkedIn provides not only the facility to put the user’s resume online, but also it helps the employers the facilities to communicate effectively with the job seekers. Employers can use these facilities effectively to identify talents. According to Lindow (2011), â€Å"LinkedIn can be a good place to start, because what LinkedIn has done is given people the permission to put their resume online,â€
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Rhetorical Triangle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Rhetorical Triangle - Essay Example In that, it does not leave the reader questioning about the seriousness of the writer. Additionally, the font makes the reader curious about the information is written down or the information they are about to read. Times New Roman typeface creates a decent impression especially when written in a business or school setting as it shows that the student or individual knows what they really want with their life. Additionally, using Times New Roman as a font choice makes the reader see that the person is bold in their writing, as it shows confidence and understanding of what the person needs. For example, when written in a resume compared to other fonts such as the Comic Sans, it shows that the job applicant is serious and is worthy of the job position. Therefore, although most people do not take the typefaces seriously, they say a lot about a person. In that, a person with a good character or confident may be misjudged because of the typeface they use. This means that a person should be careful in choosing their typeface in order to correspond with their character and also to leave a good impression on others.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Saudi newspapers Al Riyahd and Alwatan Dissertation
Saudi newspapers Al Riyahd and Alwatan - Dissertation Example Decisive Storm, in the name of defending civilization, legitimacy, and humanity. Communication theorists have taken great interests in studying further the concept of framing theory in mass media. This is particularly because there is quite confused as to how this theory can be characterized in the theoretical and empirical perspective. In the earlier studies as that of Iyenger & Kinder (1987) and finally in McCombs, Shaw, and Weaver (1997), framing theory did not have much distinction between the concepts of agenda-setting theory. Agenda-setting theory is a communication concept, â€Å"which focuses directly on how media coverage leads to changes in the importance of different considerations†. Scheufele (1999) and another study DeVreese (2005), however, agrees that the framing concept has inconsistency in its application, especially in identifying the frames projected in the media. In a more developed study of Scheufele along with his colleague Tewksbury, the authors furthere d the distinction between Framing, Agenda Setting, and Priming based on how the progress of studying mass media effects. A most recent review from Borah (2011) expresses the even more pressing issues in the conceptual debates of framing theory. Amidst the vagueness of the concept of framing theory, this research considers how this theory can still explain the context of the effects of news on the audience. The framing theory encompasses the origin, evolution, presentation, and effects of frames (Tewksbury & Scheufele, 2009).
Friday, August 23, 2019
Republicans and Democrats the U.S. deficit Research Paper
Republicans and Democrats the U.S. deficit - Research Paper Example Republicans on the other hand advocated for â€Å"sound finance†and decreasing taxes but also realized that there should be some form of deficit to support government programs in progress (Colander & Matthews, 59). The republican sound finance perspective is based on the economic view that if taxes are cut, there is an incentive to work harder, save and thus revenues are increased (Miroff, Siedelman, Swanstrom, & Deluca, 397). Therefore in addressing the growing national deficit, the Republican Party advocates for government spending habits to be curtailed, and also to amend tax legislation with a view to creating jobs and increasing salaries, reform Medicare and national security, and for the reformation of welfare programs ( The Democratic Party takes the position that the wealthy should be compelled to pay higher taxes, so that the government can fund programs meant to strengthen the middle and lower classes (Moving America Forward, 2012 Democratic National Pl atform). This paper evaluates how democrats and republicans propose to handle the current U.S. deficit and will determine which approach has more merit. During the 2012 Presidential elections, the Republican Party’s Presidential candidate Mitt Romney revealed a plan for dealing with the US deficit. The plan involved an eight-year program in which the federal budget would be balanced (Sahadi). The plan also included a promise that taxes would not be increased and at the same time, retiring Americans would be protected and more would be spent on defense (Rubin). This plan would obviously mean that other government programs would necessarily have to be cut. According to Rubin, we are at least assured by Romney that social security would not be subjected to cuts. However, other government programs could be vulnerable and this would include housing assistance, national parks, food stamps, and any other number of government programs. Wyler provides the details of the plans Romney h ad for the Republican Party’s approach to the U.S. deficit. To begin with, Romney planned to decrease income taxes by 20%. These income tax decreases would affect all Americans regardless of income status (Wyler). This of course is nothing new for the Republican Party. In 2001 and 2003, former republican president Bush introduced two successive tax cuts across the board which were primarily beneficial to the wealthy (Bartels). For the most part Americans are receptive to tax cuts because they are singly focused on their own â€Å"tax burdens†(Bartels, 15). The reality however was that 36% of the tax cuts would benefit the â€Å"richest 1 percent of Americans – a share almost identical to that received by the bottom 80 percent†(Hacker & Pierson, 33). It was estimated at the time that within 10 years, the income tax reductions would cost the U.S. $2.1 trillion in revenue (Hacker & Pierson). Middle and lower class Americans were sold on the tax reductions because in less than a month after the initial reductions, taxpayers were receiving rebate checks for at least $600 (Hacker & Pierson). This was one way of passing a policy that would primarily benefit the wealthy and yet
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